Saturday, June 20, 2009

Horrendous assault on Tehsildar at Ludhiana is shocking to my ethics and is highly deplorable: Bir Devinder.

Chandigarh, June 20 : Unprecedented vandalism and horrendous assault on Tehsildar Major GS Binepal (retd.) at Ludhiana is shocking to my ethics and is highly deplorable. No one,  be of any hue, dare not, to hold the state craft  to ransom for two hours and that too , day time during office hours. Media has aptly described the act as Taliban act in Ludhiana. If this kind of   misadventure is allowed to go scot-free and not handled with iron hand by powers that be, I am afraid it is bound to dribble catastrophic   implication for the governance in the entire State.

 Its appalling that an officer has been dragged out of his office, stripped naked and then  assaulted  with sticks and iron rods to their satisfaction in the full glare of the public  . The assailants even dare not to allow the police vehicle to move, in order to take the badly injured officer to the hospital. Incident certainly calls for unequivocal condemnation by one and all; it also entails exemplary punitive action by the State Government against all those who are perceived to be responsible to perpetrate the horrendous crime against an upright officer who is unfortunately handicapped also. Major GS Binepal is an officer above board, to the best of my knowledge as he has served in my constituency during my tenure as Deputy Speaker and also as MLA Kharar.

I would urge upon the Hon'ble Chief Minister S. Parkash Singh Badal to handle the matter at his personal level and C.M also must ensure fool proof security to the officer because as a whistle blower he had earlier exposed the infamous stamp paper scam sometime back.

A full scale, time bound probe should be ordered to look in to the nexuses of the criminals who all master minded  the terrible assault on the officer and the circumstances which led to  the crime of unprecedented notoriety .

By :  News Team

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