Monday, June 22, 2009

Shri Mata Vaishno Deviji

The cave shrine of Mata Vaishnodeviji or Trikuta Bhagwati (alt: 5,200 ft.) has been a beacon of faith and fulfillment to millions of devotees from all over the world. The pilgrimage to the Shrine holds great significance for the pilgrims.

The Legend of Mata Vaishnodeviji - The Yatra to the holy shrine is as fascinating as the legend associated with it. It goes that thousands of years ago, a comely maiden called "Vaishnavi" have been created by the three lords attained human form and was a devotee of Lord Vishnu.

Having taken a vow of celibacy, she spent almost all her life in meditation and prayers. In time she attained enormous spiritual powers and is believed to have extracted an assurance from Lord Rama that he will marry her in Kali-Yug if she persisted in her spiritual quest. This is why she is also known as Adh Kanwari or the "eternal virgin".

Mata Vaishno Devi established an ashram in the foothills of the Trikuta Mountain and began to meditate. As predicted by Lord Rama, her glory started spreading and people began to flock to her ashram to seek her blessings. As time passed, a Tantrik called Gorakh Nath (Demo God), who had a vision of the episode between Lord Rama and Mata Vaishno Devi, became curious and wanted to know more about her. Accordingly, he sent his most able disciple `Bhairon Nath' to find out. Bhairon Nath started observing her secretly and realized that despite being a `Sadhvi', she always carried a bow and arrows and was always surrounded by langoor (apes) and a ferocious looking lion. Bhairon, the demon God took a fancy to her. But the Mata spurned his advances and fled to the Himalayas to continue her spiritual quest. On the way the goddess felt thirsty at Banganga and shot an arrow into the earth from where water gushed out. Charan Paduka, which is marked by the imprints of her feet, is the place where she rested.

A view of Adh Kanwari at night.  
A view of Adh Kanwari at night.

The Goddess then meditated in the cave at Adh Kanwari. It took Bhairon nine months to locate her, which is why the cave is known as Garbh Joon. When the demon found her, Mata Vaishno Devi blasted an opening at the other end of the cave with her trident and fled to the Holy cave at Darbar (temple). However, Bhairon was persistent and followed her there to harass her. Then goddess became very angry and assuming the form of Mata Kali, beheaded Bhairon outside the cave with the aid of the flying disc gifted to her by Lord Krishna

The severed head of Bhairon fell at a distant hilltop. In his dying moments, Bhairon begged and received divine forgiveness from the goddess. Today, it is believed that the Yatra is not complete unless the pilgrim has been to Bhairon Temple (Mandir), 2.6 km from the main sanctum as well, after the darshan of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi.

The goddess herself took up permanent abode in a cave in the Trikuta Mountains by metamorphosing herself in to three pindis (Rock). This holy shrine of Mata Vaishno Devi is unique as it contains the holiest of holy Pindis manifesting the Mata in her three forms - Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi and Maha Saraswati.

  A view of the holiest of holy Pindis manifesting Mata Vaishnodeviji in her three forms - Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi and Maha Saraswati.
A view of the holiest of holy Pindis manifesting
Mata Vaishnodeviji in her three forms -
Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi and Maha Saraswati.
Each form representing a particular attribute. Maha Kali represents Tamas Guna, Tamas meaning darkness. In her manifestation of Kali the omnipotent, absolute and all pervasive, she is said to be beyond fear and finite existence and is therefore able to protect her devotees against fear and to give them limitless peace. Maha Lakshmi represents Rajas Guna, Rajas meaning prosperity. In this manifestation, the goddess blesses her devotees with wealth and prosperity for living a better life. Maha Saraswati represents Sattav Guna, Sattav meaning wisdom and knowledge. This manifestation enables her devotees to distinguish between good and bad and helps them to adopt the right path in life. The combination of these three attributes in a single Shakti is a unique combination, which is what makes it, revered all over the world.

By :  News Team

Amarnath Yatra

"The Himalayan pilgrimages are the oldest organised travel system, evolved over time by Hindu sages and embodying the spirit of wander, adventure and spirituality". One of the holy trinity, Lord Shiva is a living God. The most ancient and sacred book of India, the 'Rig Veda' evokes his presence in its hymns. Vedic myths, ritual and even astronomy testify to his existence from the dawn of time.

Shiva is known to have made his adobe in the Himalayas. He built no house nor shelter, not for himself or his consort, Goddess Parvati . He was an ascetic, and yet married; He could be both for "He is the God sporting in the forest or taking his ease on a cloud."

Legend has it that Shiva recounted to Goddess Parvati the secret of creation in the Shri Amarnathji cave. Unknown to them, a pair of pigeons eavesdropped on this conversation and having learned the secret, are liberated from rebirth, and have made the cave their eternal abode. Many pilgrims report seeing the pigeons-pair when they trek the arduous route to pay obeisance before the ice-lingam (the phallic symbol of Shiva).

The trek to Shri Amarnathji, in the month of Shravan (July - August) has the devout flock to this incredible shrine, where the image of Lord Shiva, in the form of a Lingam, is formed naturally of ice - stalagmite, and which waxes and wanes with the moon. By its side are, fascinatingly, two more ice - lingams, that of Goddess Parvati and of their son, Shri Ganesha.

Shri Amarnathji Cave.  
Shri Amarnathji Cave.

According to an ancient tale, there was once a Muslim shepherd named Buta Malik who was given a sack of coal by a saint. Upon reaching home he discovered that the sack, in fact, contained gold. Overjoyed and overcome, Buta Malik rushed back to look for the saint and thanked him, but on the spot of their meeting he discovered a cave, and eventually this became a place of pilgrimage for all believers. To date, a percentage of the donations made by pilgrims are given to the descendants of Malik, and the remaining to the Board which manages the shrine.

Yet another legend has it that when Kashap Reshi drained the Kashmir valley of water (it was believed to have been a vast lake), the cave and the lingam were discovered by Bregish Reshi who was traveling the Himalayas. When people heard of the lingam, Shri Amarnathji for them became Lord Shiva's abode and a centre of pilgrimage.

Whatever the legends and the history of Shri Amarnathji's discovery, it is today a very important centre of pilgrimage and though the route is as difficult to negotiate as it is exciting, every year, thousands of devotees come to pay homage before Lord Shiva in one of his famous Himalayan abodes.

Situated in a narrow gorge at the farther end of Lidder valley, Shri Amarnathji stands at 3,888 m and is 45 km from Pahalgam and 141 km from Srinagar. Though the original pilgrimage subscribes that the yatra be undertaken from Srinagar, the more common practice is to begin the journey from Pahalgam, and cover the distance to Shri Amarnathji and back in four or five days. Pahalgam is 96 km from Srinagar.

Since the base point for the pilgrim's trek is picturesque Pahalgam, a large tented township springs up to accommodate the pilgrims. The conduct of the yatra is a gigantic task in which the State Government takes the assistance of the security departments for providing security and helping to keep the route open. All intermediate halting places have the same kind of facilities as are provided at Pahalgam, and a Yatra Officer is appointed to conduct the pilgrimage.

  The Yatra to Shri Amarnathji.
The Yatra to Shri Amarnathji.

Useful Tips on the Yatra: The Yatra is organised in the month of Shravan and commences mainly from Pahalgam on specified dates. In recent years the route from Baltal has also been thrown open for the pilgrims to approach the holy Cave.

Dress: Pilgrims are advised to carry sufficient wollens such as sweaters, drawers, wollen trousers, monkey cap etc. Other items could include wind cheaters, rain coat, sleeping bag or blankets, umbrella, waterproof boots/shoes, walking stick, torch etc. Ladies are advised not to go on the trek in saris, instead Salwar suits should be used.

Medical Assistance: Medical posts manned by qualified doctors and nursing staff are established enroute to cater to the needs of the pilgrims, free of cost. However, pilgrims are advised to carry along any medicines specifically prescribed for them.

Provisions: Essential rations are available at fair price rates from the specially established Govt. Depots at Chandanwari, Sheshnag and Panchtami, Numerous wayside tea-shops and small restaurants are set up by private parties. However, pilgrims are advised to carry with them biscuits, tinned food etc. to cater to their immediate needs. Firewood or gas can be obtained at Chandanwari, Sheshnag , Panchtarni and near the Cave.

Insurance: In view of the hazardous nature, pilgrims are advised to insure themselves before proceeding on the Yatra.

Accommodation: Good tented accommodation with allied facilities are set-up during the Yatra period. These are provided on the basis of payment of rates fixed by the authorities manning the Yatra.

Registration: Registration of pilgrims are undertaken usually a month ahead of the date fixed for commencement of Yatra. The dates are generally notified through press advertisements. As per rules no Yatri is allowed to proceed on the journey without a Registration Card.

Do's And Don'ts for the Yatris: It is important to observe discipline on the trek and keep moving slowly and steadily. Adhere to the instructions issued by the Yatra Officer from time to time. Officials of the State Government from various concerned Departments are deployed on duty to help the pilgrims.

Pissu Top on way to Shri Amarnathji Cave.  
Pissu Top on way to Shri Amarnathji Cave.

You must also ensure that you are physically fit for the journey, and have yourself medically examined. Remember that you have to cross Mahagunus pass which is at an altitude of 14,000 feet above sea level.

Please ensure that ponies carrying your luggage and eatables remain with you at all times. Also ensure that the Ponywalla, labourer or Dandiwalla is properly registered and carries a token. You can get these alloted at fixed rates at the base camps.

Do not overstrain on steep gradients. Do not relax at points where there are warning notices. Don't break traffic discipline or try to overtake other on difficult stretches.

Aged, infirm, ailing and insufficiently clothed persons are not permitted to proceed beyond Pahalgam.

Pilgrims are advised not to pay more than the specified rates for either services or their provisions.

By :  News Team

HUDCO reduces interest rates

In tune with the current market trends, Housing & Urban Development Corporation Ltd. (HUDCO) has reduced its lending rates upto 1.25% both for the Government and the Private Sector. The new interest rates will be effective from 23rd June, 2009.

This is in line with the Ministry's vision on the "Shelter for the Poor". Kumari Selja, Minister of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation and Tourism has recently emphasized for more focused approach on Social Housing as well as affordable housing and also expects HUDCO to release funds to this category at the most competitive rates.

The reduction in lending rates from 9.50% to 8.50% (floating) for EWS Housing (Special Category-for Widows, SCs/STs) and 9.75% to 8.75% for EWS Housing is being subsidized by HUDCO to benefit the poor borrowers.

As per the MoU executed between HUDCO and the Ministry for the year 2009-10, 84% of the total dwelling units sanctioned should cover EWS and LIG units.

Out of the total loan sanctioned for housing sector, HUDCO has been able to fund over 95% of the houses for the EWS and LIG categories.

In respect of the other commercial projects of public sector borrowers, police organizations, State Government borrowings, Real Estate Projects and Power Projects and also for private sector projects, the reduction in rates of interest goes up to 1.25%.
By :  News Team

Dr. V.K. Anand to address RFID Europe-2009

CHANDIGARH-June 22, 2009:Dr. V.K. Anand, University Librarian, Panjab University has been invited to make a presentation on Radio-Frequency Identification Technology (RFID) during the conference RFID Europe-2009 to be held at Cambridge, U.K., from September 29-30, 2009.
The Conference is of great significance as representatives from more than twenty countries, representing System Integrators, System Suppliers academics and investors will be attending this mega event. During this meet Technologies like RTLS (Real Time Locating Systems), active RFID, passive RFID, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), printed RFID and many more will be deliberated upon. Dr. Anand who is the only representative from India will share with the gathering his experiences of implementation of RFID Technology in A.C. Joshi Library, Panjab University.
By :  News Team

Army Chief’s visit to North East

Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor is visiting Rangapahar Military Station on 23rd and 24th June 2009. He will be accompanied by Mrs Kirti Kapoor, President Central Family Welfare Organisation. The Army Chief will also be accompanied by Lt Gen VK Singh, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief Eastern Command. He will review the security situation in Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Mizoram, South Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

General Kapoor will also hold detailed discussion relating to security situation in the North East, and review the deployment of security forces in the region.

By :  News Team

Include Himachal's Rail Projects in Railway Budget 2009-10 :Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal

June 22, 2009 : Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal, Chief Minister has urged Union Railway Minister Ms. Mamta Banerjee to make provision for construction of Bhanupalli-Bilaspur-Beri Broadgauge Rail line, Ghanauli-Baddi Rail Line, Nangal-Talwara Rail line and Bilaspur-Mandi-Manali-Leh/Ladakh Broadgauge Rail line in the Union Budget for the year 2009-10 to do the justice with Himachal Pradesh as it had been neglected in the expansion of rail network in last 62 years after independence.In a letter written to Ms. Mamta Banerjee, Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal said that Bhanupalli-Bilaspur-Beri Rail Line was announced for construction in Railway Budget for 2008-09. The estimated cost of this rail line is Rs. 1046 crore and for a section of first 20 km, the Railways have approved of Rs. 350.33 crore. Sufficient funds may please be provided by the Railways in the Rail Budget for 2009-10, so that work starts quickly on this sanctioned project, he added.

Referring to construction of Chandigarh-Baddi, broad gauge rail line, Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal said that it was a sanctioned project in the Rail Budget for the year 2007-08 but Union Territory Chandigarh Administration expressed its reservation in providing of land for this purpose on the ground that the surveyed land had already been allotted for other developmental activities. Now to connect the industrial area of Baddi, Railway has given an alternative proposal to provide a link from Ghanauli in District Ropar, Punjab. He requested that this project be fast tracked by provision of sufficient funds so that rail connectivity is provided to our only major industrial area.

Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal said that Nangal-Talwara rail line was started almost thirty years ago, but is still incomplete. He requested to provide sufficient funds so that the project is completed within two years now.

Chief Minister said that the State Government was pursuing a proposal to connect the hinterland and border area of Leh-Ladakh by providing a Broad Gauge rail line. The technical survey for the construction of Bilaspur-Mandi-Manali-Leh/Ladakh Broad Gauge rail line is being undertaken by the Railways. The construction of this rail line would facilitate the ferrying of essential items to the border area apart form ensuring strategic supplies to our armed forces. It will also open the unexplored Himachal, Leh and Ladakh to the outside would giving a tremendous boost to tourism for the region's economy. Strategically this is the most important rail line with the Indian Army was also pursuing. He said that paramount national interest would be served by this project. Chief Minister said that he was hopeful that this would figure in the Rail Budget of 2009-10.

By :  News Team

Van Sarovars to be constructed for rain water harvesting –Shri J.P. Nadda

June 22, 2009 : Shri J.P. Nadda, Forest Minister while stressing the necessity for constructing rain water harvesting structures for conserving water disclosed that the State Government would soon implement a new scheme 'Van Sarovar' in the State under National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGA). He was addressing a high level meeting of senior officers of Forest, Animal Husbandry and Rural Development here today.

Forest Minister said that five Van Sarovars per Forest Division would be constructed throughout the State under the Scheme and added that it would go a long way in checking the depletion of ground water level besides providing ample water bodies for people for various purposes.

Shri Nadda said that plantation activities would be carried out by Forest Department under NREGA and added that shelves to the tune of Rs. 36 crore have been approved by various gram sabhas under this component for the year 2009-10. He directed the department to prepare plantation scheme for private lands also.

He said that three monkey sterilization centres at Tutikandi in Shimla, Sastar in Hamirpur and Gopalpur in Kangra district have been made operational where 5000 monkeys have been sterilized this year. He said that another monkey sterilization centre in Una district will be made functional within 6 months and added that a target of sterilization of 20,000 monkeys has been fixed for the year 2009-10.

Forest Minister said that Himachal Pradesh has the unique distinction of bringing about 13 percent of total geographical area of the State under protected area network against national average of 4.7 percent. Effective wild life conservation is being ensured through 33 Wild Life Sanctuaries and 2 National Parks in the State, he added.

Shri Avay Shukla, Additional Chief Secretary, Forest detailed out the activities of the Forest Department.

Shri Arvind Mehta, Principal Secretary, Finance, Shri V.C. Pharka, Principal Secretary, Animal Husbandry, Shri Shrikant Baldi, Secretary, Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Shri A.K. Gupta, PCCF (Wildlife), Shri A.K. Gulati, Additional PCCF, Shri D.P. Sinha, CCF and other senior officers of the State Government were also present in the meeting.

By :  News Team

Faizan gets new lease of life (Success Story)

Bhopal:Monday, June 22, 2009:Faizan is one of those whose life has been improved thanks mainly to government welfare schemes. Bhopal's Durganagar-based Noor Khan is a much relieved man since his son Faizan will be able to live on and breathe easily without any difficulty. All this has been possible through state government's Deendayal Antodaya Upchar Yojana.

Noor Khan, a poor man, has been trying to meet both the ends by working as a casual labourer. His son Faizan also used to lend a helping hand to him. Unfortunately, one day a wooden plank fell on the nose of Faizan during the work and his nose got flattened. After prolonged treatment the wounds were treated but Faizan started to experience difficulty and pain in breathing. Despite financial crunch, Noor Khan consulted private hospital for Faizan's treatment. They quoted Rs 30 thousand as the fees for operation which was not manageable by Noor Khan.

Noor Khan possessed Deendayal Treatment Card which is issued to people living below poverty line. On neighbours' advice, Noor Khan contacted ear-nose-throat specialists in Jay Prakash Hospital. ENT specialists Dr. Naveen Bhatia and Dr Ashok Banthhia studied Faizan's case minutely. They not only did septorhinoplasty operation on Faizan but also undertook cosmetic surgery. Dr. Banthhia said this was the first instance of cosmetic surgery in JP Hospital.

These days Noor Khan waxes eloquent about Deendayal Upchar Card before the people of his locality. He says such a magnificent treatment of Faizan has been possible only thanks to Deendayal Upchar Card.
By :  News Team

Community Radio Station to Start at Tiruvalla Kerala

Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India has signed a Grant of Permission Agreement for establishing, maintaining and operating a Community Radio Station at Mar Athanasios College for Advanced Studies, Tiruvalla (MACFAST) Kerala. Letter of Intent had been issued to the Institute after recommendations of Inter Ministerial Committee and seeking requisite clearances from various Ministries. The Community Radio Station is expected to be operational within three months as per the agreement. With this, the number of CRS will increase to 46 in the country.

The Ministry encourages setting up the Community Radio Station as it promises to provide an opportunity to the local communities to be actively involved in welfare activities. The Tiruvalla College has several innovative programs, such as CAP (Community awareness program), SALT (Social Awareness and Leadership Training) programs which are aimed at sensitizing the student community about the needs and requirements of the society. The college also has an active forum called MSS (Macfast Service Scheme) which has conducted several programs like, clean and green campus drive, campaign to eradicate breeding areas of mosquitoes to prevent contagious disease like chikengunias and disseminating information regarding importance of water harvesting etc.

As a step forward in its mission to serve the society more effectively, the Mar Athanasios College for Advanced Studies is looking forward to setting up a community radio station with the objective of focusing on issues relating to education, health, environment, agriculture and rural community development and also to transform young people and mould them into value driven, culturally enriched and professionally competent change agents who would significantly contribute to improving their immediate community, the state, the country and the world at large.
By :  News Team

Now Soha Ali Khan will host first lifestyle reality game show ‘Godrej Khelo Jeeto Jiyo’

Source : (By Madhup Yadav).Chandigarh. 22nd June. For the first time in the television history consumers will aspire to have a better and brighter lifestyle through this lifestyle based reality game show 'Godrej Khelo Jeeto Jiyo' It will team up a relative series of conceptualized games in a home-styled setting. The Grand Prize is an apartment from Godrej Properties that will be furnished with various products from the Godrej portfolio that contestants win during the game show. Bollywood actress Soha Ali Khan will host India's first branded lifestyle reality game show - Godrej Khelo Jeeto Jiyo which will soon to be aired from 29'th June on the several channels such as STAR Plus, Star One and Star Utsav of Star network.

 A visibly excited Soha said, "This innovative and exciting show concept gives me the opportunity to connect with my audience. I feel this lucky for those millions of Indians whose lifestyle lives will improve from this.""It will connect me with consumers of the Godrej brand franchise and her growing popularity" she asserts. 

All consumers can enter in this show by purchasing any of the Godrej product.  They an also register their entry via SMS/ Call-in/ Website with the value and barcode number of the product. This contest is also advertised across media at various retail touch points. 'Godrej Khelo Jeeto Jiyo' will be promoted through a pre-show 360 degree consumer engagement campaign across television, mobile and on ground activities.
By :  News Team

M.R. Tewari, former Professor and Head, Dept. of English, Kurukshetra University passed away at Melbourne

CHANDIGARH-June 22, 2009:Dr. M.R. Tewari, former Professor and Head, Dept. of English, Kurukshetra University passed away at Melbourne, Australia. His daughter, Dr. Uma Tewari informed that part of his Ashes have been immersed in Indian Ocean at one of his favourite places, Sorrento.  There will be a Shanti Path on Saturday, 27th June 2009.  

A prolific writer, Dr.. M.R. Tewari had endeared himself as one of the most erudite, compassionate, loving and nurturing teacher.  His warmth concern, commitment and affection was something unique which is rarely seen these days. 

Dr. Tewari had also taught at Panjab University, Chandigarh and the Postgraduate Centre at Jalandhar. Born on 6th October 1929, Dr. Tewari after retirement from Kurukshetra University went to Australia in 1990 and as a Visiting Professor  organized workshops, delivered lectures at various universities including Monash University, Melbourne and at the Kipling Society. 

A sensitive poet and a creative writer, Dr. Tewari had authored Literary Criticism books  -  One Interior Life, Literary Essays, William Wordsworth, John Keats and the Self, Joseph Conrad's Nostromo, James Joyce, Rudyard Kipling and India.   He also authored books on Religious and Philosophy  – Mool Sutra, Japji Sahib in English, I Am but I am not, Maharishi Raman, Nisargadatta Maharaj and M.R., The Way of Becoming.  

         The news of his death came as a shock to the entire Tewari family including Justice Ajay Tewari, Mr. Manish Tewari, Member Parliament, Mr. Kamal Tewari, Chairman, Chandigarh Sangeet Natak Academy, Mrs. Vijay Lakshmi Sharma, former Principal Govt. College for Girls and a large number of his students and friends who felt that a void had been created by his absence.   
By :  News Team

Prachanda announces another 'people's movement'

Terming UML as a "black sheep" among the communists, Nepal's former Premier and Maoist chief Prachanda has said he will launch the "people's movement-III" by forging an alliance with "nationalist forces" to establish civilian supremacy in the country."We will soon launch another People's Movement," he said addressing his workers at Palung village of Makawanpur in west Kathmandu on Sunday.

 Prachanda, who was eased out of power last month by CPN-UML-led alliance, announced the launch of People's Movement-III, forging ties with "nationalist, patriotic and democratic forces".He claimed that the movement would completely sweep away "reactionaries, opportunists and traitors" from the country to establish civilian supremacy. 

Prachanda termed the present UML-led government as a puppet and said that the UML was the black sheep among the communist parties of Nepal.He ruled out the possibility of another armed struggle but alleged that some forces were trying to push the Maoists back into the jungle. 

"We will launch people's movement in the capital and districts to establish civilian supremacy," he added.The Maoists had carried out a decade-long armed struggle since 1990 which in its second phase turned into a democratic movement by a multi-party alliance against the 250-year-old Monarchy.
By :  News Team

11 bodies from Air France disaster identified: Officials

Eleven of the 50 bodies recovered from an Air France jet that plunged into the Atlantic three weeks ago have been identified by fingerprints and dental records, Brazilian officials have said. The bodies were identified as "10 Brazilians and one foreigner," officials in the northeastern Brazilian state of Pernambuco said in a statement on Sunday.

Five of the Brazilians were male, the other five were female and the foreigner was male, it added.The officials, part of a task force that also includes Brazilian police and forensic specialists conducting autopsies in the city of Recife, did not give further details about those identified.

They said the families of the identified Brazilians had been visited personally on Friday and Saturday by police officers who broke the news.The embassy of the foreigner who was identified was also notified. A special morgue in Recife has received 49 of the 50 bodies recovered from the crash site 1,000 kilometers off Brazil's northeast coast. The 50th body was due to be delivered by ship on Monday.

There were 228 people from 32 countries on-board the airliner, which went down on 1st June off the coast of Brazil on a flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris.The cause of the disaster -- the worst in Air France's history -- was not known. Seventy-two French citizens, 59 Brazilians, 26 Germans and passengers from 29 other countries were on the flight.
By :  News Team

Obama calls on Iran to stop all violent and unjust action

As reports of police action against demonstrations in Iran emerged, US President Barack Obama called on Tehran to stop all "violent and unjust" actions against its own people."The Iranian government must understand that the world is watching. We mourn each and every innocent life that is lost. We call on the Iranian government to stop all violent and unjust actions against its own people," Obama said in a statement.

Asserting that universal rights to assembly and free speech must be respected, Obama said the US States stands with all who seek to exercise those rights.Referring to his Cairo speech, where he addressed the Muslim world, Obama said suppressing ideas never succeeds in making them go away."The Iranian people will ultimately judge the actions of their own government. If the Iranian government seeks the respect of the international community, it must respect the dignity of its own people and govern through consent, not coercion," Obama said.The US President said he believes in what Martin Luther King once said "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." The international community believes that, he said."And right now, we are bearing witness to the Iranian peoples' belief in that truth, and we will continue to bear witness," Obama said.
By :  News Team

Centre bans Maoist outfits, CPI-M strikes a different note

Centre bans Maoist outfits, CPI-M strikes a different note

The Centre on Monday banned the CPI-Maoists as a terrorist outfit but the CPI-M, whose government is battling a Naxal siege in Lalgarh, said proscription does not work and they have to be fought politically.

After a high level meeting in New Delhi on Monday against the backdrop of security forces' operations in West Midnapore district in West Bengal, the Union Home Ministry brought the group in the list of terrorist outfits banned under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.

Home Minister P Chidambaram said the Government decided on the fresh ban under the UAPA to avoid any ambiguity following the merger of CPI-ML (People's War Group) with the Marxist Coordination Committee.

"It was always a terror organisation and today an ambiguity has been removed that it is a terror organisation," he said.

On the CPI-M and the Left Front stand that the Maoists need to be fought politically and administratively and a ban does not work, the minister said he still felt there is a distinction between party and government and hoped the West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattarcharjee would consider his suggestion to ban the outfit and his Cabinet would take an approriate decision.


While his party colleague Sitaram Yechury met Chidambaram after the ban order was issued, CPI-M general secretary Prakash Karat doubted its efficacy saying a banned organisation could function under a different name.


Congress and BJP welcome Centre's ban on CPI.


Congress asked Naxal- affected states to come out with a white paper on the status of the menace and the measures taken to contain it.

The party also welcomed the decision of the central government to declare CPI-Maoist as a terrorist organisation.

"We welcome the decision of the central government to declare CPI-Maoist a terrorist organisation. We are of the view that Naxal-hit states should issue a white paper on the status of Naxal problem and what steps they are taking to control the menace," party spokesperson Shakeel Ahmed told reporters in New Delhi.


The BJP hailed the decision and demanded that other terror groups having links with Maoists should also be dealt in a similar way.


BJP spokesperson Rajiv Pratap Rudy said it was a good step and in a democratic society there is no place for violence, and the party welcomes the government's move.


West Bengal Chief Secretary Asok Mohan Chakraborty said in Kolkata that the government would go into the legal implications of ban and present a report to the Chief Minister.

The Left stand comes two days after Chief Minister stated that his government will give a serious thought to proscribing the Naxals.

"We have decided that such outfits, which follow misguided politics, cannot be countered by banning them. It is important to counter the activities of these outfits politically," Left Front chairman Biman Bose said.

The Left Wing extremist group CPI-Maoist, formed after the merger of two banned naxal outfits MCC and CPI-ML, has been bracketed with 34 other organisations including LeT and SIMI who are in the list of banned outfits.

The move to tag CPI-Maoist is aimed at drying the sources of funds and curbing the support for its activities from a section of people.

The Maoists have called a 48-hour bandh starting from Monday to oppose the offensive launched by the security forces in the Lalagarh area.

Bhattacharjee met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Home Minister P Chidambaram on Saturday to discuss the standoff with the Maoists.


Bose said in a statement that the fight of the Leftists against the "misguided politics" of the Maoists was on. "We are opposing the terrorist activities of the Maoists and that is why we are attacked."

Bose said it was a continuous political process to "alienate" people from the "dangerous politics" pursued by the Maoists. "This work has to be carried on," he said.

He, however, said that it was necessary to take administrative steps to restore normal life of the people.

The CPI and Forward Bloc, two major LF constituents, also said that the problem would not be solved by banning the Maoists.

"We do not think a ban on them will solve the problem; it has to be solved politically. There may be a dialogue with the ultras, but before that they have to eschew the politics of murder and anarchy."CPI state council secretary Manju Kumar Majumdar said.

Echoing his views, Forward Bloc secretary Ashok Ghose said, "We have fundamental differences with the Maoists, but they are not our class enemies. We are against imposing ban on them. We want them to follow the democratic path and we are totally against their politics of terrorism."


The bandh saw a mixed response in Chhatisgarh. Business establishments and shops remained open in all the five districts of Bastar region, especially in urban areas, Vishwaranjan said.

However, transport and bus services in interior and remote areas of Bastar, Kanker and Naryanpur districts was thin in view of reports of naxalites obstructing roads by felling trees to disrupt traffic, police said.

Also, passenger train services between Vishakapatnam and Kirandul in Dantewada district were curtailed on account of the bandh, they said.

Normalcy was reported from other areas and districts of the tribal state, police said.

The Centre had sounded an alert to five naxal-hit states on Sunday following intelligence inputs that Maoists may indulge in demonstrative acts of violence by targeting security forces and economic infrastructure such as trains, buses, railway and bus stations and other places where people are likely to gather in significant numbers.

By :  News Team

SC seeks Centre's response on attacks targeting Indians abroad

The Supreme Court on Monday directed the Centre to explain by 26th June the steps initiated to ensure safety of Indian students facing racial attacks in Australia and Canada and the measures taken to prevent recurrence of such incidents.A vacation bench of Justices Dalveer Bhandari and Asok Kumar Ganguly also asked the Attorney General of India to assist the court in the matter which was posted for further hearing to 29th June.

The bench, which asked the Centre to file its response in an affidavit, said the direction was being passed since the incidents had not stopped despite the fact that "the Union of India might have taken up the matter at the highest level."The apex court passed the direction while recording the submissions made by the petitioner D K Garg, an advocate, who had accused the Centre of inaction in dealing with the racial attacks on Indian students in Australia and Canada.
Garg, who had filed the PIL, claimed even though the government insists that adequate steps were being taken to protect the Indian students, a number of anxious parents were still making enquiries about the well-being of their children.He said it was a matter of serious concern that a number of Indian students were forced to leave Australia in the middle of their academic year owing to unabated attacks.

 According to the petition, an estimated 97,000 Indian students are at present studying in Australia and during 2007-08, there were 1,447 victims of robberies, assaults, murder, stabbing and other forms of violence.Quoting media reports, the petition cited the instance of the way in which a student was stabbed to death and another injured with a screwdriver.The PIL pleaded that the Centre should be directed to initiate dialogue with the foreign countries to prevent recurrence of such attacks and also formulate stringent laws and regulations to ensure safety of the Indian students studying abroad.
By :  News Team

Manual on Vector Borne Diseases released by Prof Laxmi Kanta Chawla, Health Minister

Chandigarh, 22nd June: Prof Laxmi Kanta Chawla, Health & Family Welfare Minister, Punjab here today released a Manual on Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (VBDCP) for the use of Medical Officers and Para-medical staff. She was presiding over a conference of civil surgeons and state level health officers at Chandigarh. Sh A.R. Talwar, Principal Secretary, Health; Sh Satish Chandra, Mission Director, NRHM; Dr SPS Sohal, Director Health Services and Dr VS Mohi, Programme Officer were also present.
Prof Chawla lauded the initiative of department in preparing the manual. She also reviewed the district wise performance on key health programmes with the Civil Surgeons and other state level programme officers.
Sh A.R Talwar informed that the VBDCP-Manual contained in-depth and useful information regarding the various diseases covered under National Vector-borne Disease Control Programme i.e. Malaria, Dengue, Chicken-gunia, Japanese Enchaphalitis, Filaria and Kala-azar. He said that the Manual would be very useful for doctors and paramedics and help them to contain spread of such diseases. He said that all Civil Surgeons and senior officers of the health department have already been provided with the copy of the Manual, whereas the SMO's and other field level officers would be given the copy of the manual, shortly, so that they can utilize the information given therein.

                Dr SPS Sohal said that during the conference, discussions on various health related issues including measures to be taken for control of dengue in the state were held. He added that the Health Department is already coordinating with other departments like Local Bodies, Water & Sanitation, and Sewerage Board etc and is completely geared up for containing dengue and water borne diseases.
By :  News Team


    Jun 22nd, 2009 | By News Team | Category: Chandigarh, Health | Edit

Kareena Kapoor before Zero figure (left) and after zero figure.By Gargi Singla,22nd June:Basically if we talk about the latest generation we find a lot of new habits being adapted into them which results into lot of changes among the past and present generations.I some how agree to this point that changes are very necessary and should be adapted in our lives, but only adapting good habits and changes suits an individual. Changes which can worsen an individual should not be adapted. And one of the change which i personally want to pick up is about the high level of implementation and discussion of the fact of having a zero figure.May be many of you might have heard of the term 'size zero figure'.You might wonder what is it all about. Well. a size, zero figure means a super slim body.It covers the body measurement as the Bust Size 31, Waist line 24 and hip line 32. By my latest interaction with some females the conclsusion i end up with it is that today every female is talking about her body size and is following a dream to acheive the so called zero size tag for her apparels. Many bollywood celebrities in her recent looks have given the boost to this new figure. In movies like page3, Tashan etc.celebrities like Victoria Beckham, Karen Carpenter Kareena Kapoor have made the young girls go mad for this sort of figure. Today the female sex have become so desperate and have joined the rat race in order get a size zero figure for themselves. As per mine interaction with couple of my friends the main idea which i  make out of this topic is of weight reduction. Somebody wants to start up with the gym somebody with jogging or somebody even plan out sports actvities like swiming, lawn tennis etc.Anyways as per this conversation some how my views are even for this as well as against this topic.

Why i am being for this fact is just because it would create a sense of regular exercise. It would motivate the females to go for a healthy life style. This would create a regular work out routine which is good for their own health.Now why i am being against this fact is because the desire of attainig slim figure becomes dangerous when it is resulted i an obession and leads to hazardous consequences for the ladies. Even some stop eating and stay on liquid diet. Through this factor they cannot attain a helathy body. This may even result our muscles to weaken or deteriorate depending on how long a person gets exposed to it.When they get stucked into such a sort of situation their main moto is just to reduce themsleves to the slimmest and for attaining that they might suffer from seroius health hazards.
Through this article i just want to encourage the youngsters of not to follow the sedentary life and even not to beleive the media hype.This creates only destrucion in mind. Istrongly advice everyone that they should never try to imitate the celebrities. Their basic aim should be to attain a healthy body and not to starve themselves for zero figure.

By :  News Team