Friday, October 23, 2009

MC prepares for state foundation day

Dehradun, October 22 : The Dehradun Municipal Corporation (DMC) will be taking active part in Uttarakhand Foundation Day celebrations this year.

The corporation has charted out three-day proceedings, which was approved at the Dehradun Municipal Corporation Board meeting held yesterday for the foundation day falling on November 9. The DMC intends to organise a national-level cultural festival in Dehradun as part of promotion of the cultural arts of the state aimed to provide an identity to the DMC in the national cultural scenario.

Apart from it, the board meeting at length discussed issues linked to money spent on purchase of tools and equipment used for civic sanitation work since the assumption of office by the present DMC board. Presiding over the meet, Mayor Vinod Chamoli pulled up DMC health officials for being complacent in undertaking works ordered in the earlier board meetings.

He further directed the mukhya nagar adhikari to ensure that the physical verification of information provided under the RTI regarding purchases made of tools and materials used for civic sanitation work was conducted within 15 days and its report presented to the board.

Regarding the anomalies in resources available compared to their use for civic sanitation by DMC staff, the Mayor said there was a need to improve the working of divisional supervisors who had remained notorious for providing misinformation to either the DMC administration or councillors, compromising on work and not making proper use of available human and mechanical resources.

Responding to allegations of lack of parity in the amount of funds spent on development works in different wards, Mayor Vinod Chamoli said the previous board had set incorrect practices of treating the fund available to the DMC board. "Such practices would not be allowed in the present board as the public money would not be allowed to become an object of misuse," he said.

On problems of stray dogs and simians, the Mayor informed them that as per the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, the stray dogs could neither be killed by the municipal body nor at once be relocated to another site. On information provided by doctors in the Doon Hospital, the Mayor said out of the total cases of dog-biting humans recorded in hospital, 60 per cent were bitten by pet dogs, whereas mere 40 per cent were bitten by stray dogs.

Uttarakhand bag gold, 2 bronze medals

Dehradun, October 22 : The Uttarakhand team won one gold and two bronze medals at the 20th National Kayaking and Canoeing Championship under way at Bhimtal, Nainital, here today.

Results: In 1000 C4 junior men: P Sharma, Kuldeep Kumar, Virendra Singh and Vipin won gold for Uttarakhand team. Ashutosh, Praveen Singh, Abhay Singh and N Khan won silver for Madhya Pradesh and SS Rajesh, N Soni, S Ishwar and S Singh won bronze.

In 1000 K2 en: Santi Swarup and A.Y Singh gave an outstanding performance for Service Sports Control Board (SSCB) team to win gold, SSCB team's Amit Kumar and Manoj Singh came up with silver and Manmohan and Dilip Singh was placed at third sport to win a bronze.

In 1000 K1 junior: Manipur team emerged winner to win gold, ASCB team was placed second with silver medal and Uttarakhand was third with bronze.

In 1000 K4: SSCB clinched gold and silver medal, whereas Madhya Pradesh team settled for bronze.

In 1000 C2: Andhra Pradesh won gold, SSCB team won silver and Madhya Pradesh team won bronze.

In 1000 C1 junior: ASSB gave an outstanding performance to win gold, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh

In 1000 K4 junior: ASSB gave a gold winning performance, Kerala team was placed at second spot and Madhya Pradesh was third place.

In 1000 C4 men: SSCB grabbed gold, ASSB had to settle for silver and Madhya Pradesh for bronze.

In 1000 K1 men: SSCB won gold, ASSB won silver and Andhra Pradesh bronze

In 1000 C2 junior: Andhra Pradesh emerged winner with gold, ASSB silver medal and Uttarakhand team settled for bronze.

In 1000 C1 men: Andhra Pradesh won gold, Madhya Pradesh won silver and SSCB won bronze.

Most students on leave, usual buzz missing

Roorkee, October 22 :  There have been no regular activities on the IIT campus over the past week as most of the students have left for their homes in view of Diwali.

Even most of the faculty members have gone to their homes to celebrate the festival of lights. With the institute going into the exam mode immediately after the festive season, the campus is bereft of its usual buzz.

However, a few students chose not to visit their homes this Diwali and instead celebrated the festival with their friends and teachers on the campus. Chander Tomqil, an MTech student, said his parents were abroad this year and so he decided to stay back on the campus and rather had a great time exploding crackers in the company of his classmates.

For those who had been longing to join their families to enjoy the festivities but could not go due to certain reasons, the campus Diwali was a pleasant experience. They got ample time to spend with their friends, said students.

Training programme

A one-week training programme on "Ground Water Resources Evaluation in Hard Rock Areas" is being organised by the Department of Hydrology at the Continuing Education Centre of the IIT this week.

A total of 15 officers of the Ground Water Department, Andhra Pradesh, have been attending this training programme, which focuses on the methods for assessment of groundwater resources in the hard rock areas of India.

Experts found that more than two thirds area of the country comprised hard crystalline rocks. As such, many of the groundwater experts found it difficult to locate new sources of groundwater and to estimate the total groundwater resources available within these rocks.

For the courses being undertaken during the training, several faculty members have been drawn from the Department of Earth Sciences, Hydrology and Civil Engineering of the IIT-Roorkee as well as from the National Institute of Hydrology.

Another training programme for officers of the Ground Water Department, Andhra Pradesh, is to be organised on "Stochastic Processing of High Frequency Piezometer Data" in the second week of the next month.

Dr DC Singhal of the Department of Hydrology is coordinating these training programmes.  Courtesy : The Tribune

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Workshop on Soft Skills

CHANDIGARH:22 Sept. 2009: A three day seminar at Golden Jubilee Hall will be organized by Central Placement Cell at Panjab University Campus, Chandigarh from 19th to 21st September, 2009 with a goal to improvise new soft skills and persona development of the students. This workshop is designed to generate self confidence among the students and to improve various facets of their personality. This is imperative to accomplish well rounded skill development as well to abolish the shyness or phobias hindering their overall growth in career development. The theme of this workshop is to develop "SOFT SKILLS" covering major dimensions and aspects related to career growth (like verbal communication, Group Discussion, Self development, C.V writing, to ameliorate etiquettes and conduct in personal /mock interviews). For this purpose Central Placement Cell has invited various renowned intellectuals from multinational industry and Academia to share their knowledgeable thoughts and expert opinion, as expressed by Prof. V.R. Sinha, Honorary Director, Central Placement Cell

By :  News Team

A three day Surana & Surana National Trial Advocacy Moot Court Competition

CHANDIGARH: 18 Sept. 2009: A three day Surana & Surana National Trial Advocacy Moot Court Competition (India North Rounds) from 18 September, 2009 to 20 September, 2009 commences today at University Institute of Legal Studies (UILS), Panjab University. The moot will encourage excellence of intellect and astuteness in argumentation, spirited and healthy competition, team solidarity, and goodwill and harmony with other teams.

Twelve teams from various parts of the country are participating in this prestigious competition wherein they would be tested for their legal acumen. Their acumen will be judged by dignitaries from the Punjab & Haryana High Court and intellectuals in the field of law. The participating teams include Army Institute of Law, Mohali, Baba Farid Law College, Faridkot, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidhyalaya, Indore, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow, Faculty of Law, University of Allahabad , GNLU, Gandhinagar, Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, NUALS, Cochin, Rayat & Bahra College of Law, Sahauran, Rayat College of Law, Railmajra, University Institute of Laws Panjab University Regional Centre, Ludhiana and University Institute of Petroleum and Energy Studies, College of Legal Studies, Dehradun. They would be tested on matters related to Information Technology Act, the Indian Penal Code and medical jurisprudence.
 The detailed programme is given below:
Today the teams got themselves registered from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM which was followed by a welcome address by the Hon'ble Director of UILS, Prof. Ms. Sangita Bhalla. An Orientation Session by Mr. Ravi Chandran was held to acquaint the teams regarding the Competition and was accompanied by the exchange of memorials. During his orientation lecture, Mr. Chandran briefed the teams and the participants about the event and said, "This event is a new concept as it will try to involve many students of the department. Not only will it involve the student as participating teams but also as witness and other functionaries of the court. Also, this event will be a simulation of court procedure and will be benefiting the young lawyers by exposing them to the actual court room procedure."
Preliminary rounds will be held on 19th September, 2009 beginning at 9:00 AM and continuing till 1:30 PM. The qualifying teams will enter the Semi-Finals which will commence at 2:30 PM and continue till 5:30 PM. It will be followed by the announcement of results and exchange of memorials. On the concluding day, i.e. 20th September, 2009 the final rounds will start at 9:30 AM and continue till 11:30 AM. Hon'ble Mr. Justice T. S. Thakur, Chief Justice, Punjab & Haryana High Court will preside over as the Chief Guest for the Valedictory Ceremony to be held at 12:00 PM in the Moot Court Hall, Department Of Laws, Panjab University. The Guests of Honour would be Hon'ble Mr. Justice Varinder Singh, Judge, Jammu & Kashmir High Court, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Surya Kant, Judge, Panjab & Haryana High Court and other dignitaries, according to Dr. Chanchal Narang, Media In-charge, UILS.
By :  News Team

गरीब सुखवती बाई और उसके नवजात शिशु को मिला नया जीवन

 (सफलता की कहानी) 

आर्थिक तंगी के साथ अपनी बीमार गर्भवती पत्नी के इलाज के लिये यहां वहा भटक रहे ग्राम इन्दार जिला शिवपुरी के श्रमिक मनका प्रजापति को गुना आकर मानो एक नया जीवन मिल गया हो। शिवपुरी में पहले एक निजी चिकित्सक और फिर जिला अस्पताल में इलाज कराने के बाद भी स्थिति में सुधार न आने पर मनका अपनी पत्नी को गुना उपचार के लिये ले आया। यहां उसे न केवल नि:शुल्क चिकित्सा सेवायें मिली वरन उसकी पत्नी को सुरक्षित संस्थागत प्रसव की सुविधा भी प्राप्त हुई। बच्चे को जन्म देने के पहले मनका की पत्नी सुखबाई की हालत इतनी खराब थी कि उसे 5 बोतल खून भी चढाना पडा। समय से पहले 7 माह में हुये प्रसव में उसके बच्चे की स्थिति भी काफी गंभीर थी,जिसे नवजात शिशुगहन चिकित्सा इकाई में नया जीवन मिला।

अपनी पत्नी के कष्ट और घर में आने वाले नये नन्हें मेहमान के बारे में नाकारात्मक विचार लेकर गुना अस्पताल आये मनका को उस समय मानवता और इंसानियत का भी एहसास हुआ, जब उसकी पत्नी को रक्तदान करने स्वास्थ्य विभाग के दो वाहन चालक रणवीर रघुवंशी, संतोष कोरी और एक जेसीआई के सदस्य अवधेष श्रीवास्तव अस्पताल आ पहुंचे। गरीब परिवार की महिला को खतरों से बाहर लाने के लिये सिविल सर्जन डॉ. सी.डी. शर्मा ने भी सुखवती बाई के लिये उपचार के सारे रास्ते खोल दिये। ऐसी आत्मीय सेवाये और मानवता के अंतरंग संबंधों को पाकर मनका भावविभोर हो उठा।

जिला चिकित्सालय की स्त्री रोग विशेषज्ञ डॉ. छाया शर्मा ने बताया कि महिला सुखवती बाई जब अस्पताल लाई गई तो उसकी हालत बडी नाजुक थी, उसके शरीर में खून की बहुत कमी थी। गर्भ में पल रहे बच्चे को भी जान का खतरा था। हमने पहले महिला को स्वस्थ बनाने के प्रयास शुरू किये और फिर स्थिति में सुधार आते ही महिला का सुरक्षित प्रसव भी कराया। चूंकि बच्चा समय से पहले जन्मा था, इस लिये उसकी हालत भी खराब थी। नवजात शिशु को तत्काल एन.एन.सी.यू में भर्ती कर चिकित्सा प्रांरभ की गई। डॉ. शर्मा बताती है कि यदि सब कुछ समय पर नही हुआ होता तो शायद मनका प्रजापति काफी कुछ खो बैठता।

आज मनका बहुत खुश है और ईश्वर के साथ वह जिला अस्पताल की व्यवस्थाओं के लिये मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराज सिहं चौहान को भी धन्यवाद दे रहा हैं जिन्होंने गरीबों के लिये नि:शुल्क स्वास्थ्य सेवाये मुहैया कराई हैं। मनका प्रजापति जब अस्पताल से अपनी पत्नी और बच्चे को लेकर घर रवाना होने लगा तब उसे जननी सुरक्षा योजना के 1400 रूपये और नि:शुल्क प्रसव परिवहन के 250 रूपये भी उपलब्ध कराये गये। मनका प्रजापति डॉ. रामवीर सिहं रघुवंशी को भी धन्यवाद देता हैं जिन्होंने विशेष रूचि लेकर इस पूरे प्रकरण में सहयोगी की भूमिका निभाई।

By :  News Team

यूनेस्को ने पचमढ़ी बायोस्फियर रिजर्व को विश्व नेटवर्क में शामिल किया

यूनेस्को के मानव एवं बायोस्फियर रिजर्व कार्यक्रम के अंतर्गत जैव विविधता से सम्पन्न क्षेत्रों की पहचान कर बायोस्फियर रिजर्व क्षेत्र घोषित किये जा रहे है। इसी तारतम्य में अब तक 107 देशों के कुल 553 बायोस्फियर रिजर्व क्षेत्र घोषित किये गये हैं।

केन्द्रीय पर्यावरण एवं वन मंत्रालय द्वारा देश में यूनेस्को की मार्गदर्शिका के अनुसारजैव विविधता से सम्पन्न क्षेत्रों की पहचान की जा रही है। केन्द्र सरकार द्वारा अभी तक कुल 18 बायोस्फियर रिजर्व घोषित किये जा चुके हैं। इनमें से 2 बायोस्फियर रिजर्व क्षेत्र मध्य प्रदेश में हैं जिसमें पचमढ़ी भी एक है।

भारत के इन घोषित बायोस्फियर रिजर्व में से कुल 4 बायोस्फियर रिजर्व को पूर्व में यूनेस्को द्वारा मान्यता प्रदान की जा चुकी है। मई 2009 में 3 अन्य बायोस्फियर रिजर्व इस श्रृंखला में शामिल किये गये हैं जिनमें पचमढ़ी एक है।

यूनेस्को द्वारा पचमढ़ी बायोस्फियर रिजर्व को विश्व नेटवर्क में लाने के उपलक्ष्य में पचमढ़ी में 24 सितम्बर 2009 को सुबह 9.30 बजे होटल ग्लेन व्यू में एक समारोह का आयोजन किया जा रहा है। समारोह की अध्यक्षता केन्द्र सरकार के विशेष सचिव और राष्ट्रीय मानव एवं बायोस्फियर समिति के अध्यक्ष श्री बी.एस. परशीरा करेंगे।

पचमढ़ी में राष्ट्रीय मानव एवं बायोस्फियर समिति की बैठक

इस समारोह के बाद राष्ट्रीय मानव एवं बायोस्फियर रिजर्व समिति की दो दिवसीय बैठक सह कार्यशाला आयोजित की गयी है। इसमें देश के समस्त बायोस्फियर रिजर्व के राज्य प्रतिनिधियों द्वारा उनके बायोस्फियर क्षेत्र में प्रबंधन कार्य योजना पर परस्पर विचार-विमर्श होगा। बैठक में प्रबंध कार्य योजना की समीक्षा की जायेगी। इस कार्यशाला में प्राकृतिक संसाधनों जैव विविधता संरक्षण और स्थानीय नागरिकों के विकास संबंधी कार्यक्रमों की भी समीक्षा होगी। कार्यशाला के सभी प्रतिभागियों को 26 सितम्बर को पचमढ़ी बायोस्फियर रिजर्व क्षेत्र का भ्रमण कराया जायेगा।

By :  News Team

मध्यप्रदेश को दस वर्षों में झुग्गी मुक्त राज्य बनाया जायेगा-श्री गौर

नगरीय प्रशासन और विकास मंत्री श्री बाबूलाल गौर ने कहा है कि मध्यप्रदेश को आगामी दस वर्षों में झुग्गी मुक्त राज्य बनाया जायेगा। इसके लिये प्रदेश के 105 नगरों की विकास योजनाओं पर विचार किया जा रहा है। श्री गौर ने कहा कि स्थानीय शासन विभाग को सुदृढ़ करके राज्य में नये अतिक्रमण न हो इसके प्रयास शुरू से ही किये जायेंगे। श्री गौर आज यहां मध्यप्रदेश मानवाधिकार आयोग के स्थापना दिवस पर आयोजित संगोष्ठी ' आश्रय का अधिकार ' के द्वितीय एवं समापन सत्र में बोल रहे थे। इस अवसर पर आयोग के अध्यक्ष जस्टिस श्री डी.एम.धर्माधिकारी, सदस्य द्वय जस्टिस श्री ए.के.सक्सेना और विजय शुक्ल, पूर्व आय.ए.एस. अधिकारी श्री महेश नीलकंठ बुच, प्रमुख सचिव नगरीय प्रशासन और विकास विभाग श्री राघवचन्द्रा, प्रमुख सचिव आवास एवं पर्यावरण विभाग श्री आलोक श्रीवास्तव तथा आयोग के प्रमुख सचिव श्री राकेश अग्रवाल विशेष रूप से उपस्थित थे।

श्री गौर ने कहा कि बड़े उद्योगों की स्थापना के कारण ग्रामीण और कुटीर उद्योगों में कार्यरत मजदूर बेरोजगार हुये हैं, इस कारण बड़ी संख्या में लोगों का शहरों की और पलायन बढ़ा है। उन्होंने कहा कि भोपाल को आगामी दस वर्षों में झुग्गी मुक्त-आवासयुक्त शहर बनायेंगे। श्री गौर ने जानकारी दी कि निर्धन वर्ग के लोगों के लिये आसान किस्तों पर लगभग साढे तीन लाख रूपये मूल्य के मकान शहर के पांच किलोमीटर की पेरी-फेरी में बनाने की योजना पर विचार किया जा रहा है। उन्होंने जानकारी दी कि केन्द्र सरकार की जेएनएनआरयूएम योजना के तहत झुग्गी बस्तियों के लोगों के पुर्नविस्थापन के लिये चार मंजिला भवनों का निर्माण कराया जा रहा है।  इस प्रकार भोपाल में वर्तमान में गंदी बस्तियों के लोगों के लिये 37 योजनाएं संचालित हैं।

जस्टिस श्री डी.एम.धर्माधिकारी ने कहा कि जीवन का अधिकार व्यक्ति का मौलिक अधिकार है। यह अधिकार तब तक नागरिकों को नहीं मिल सकता तब तक उन्हें उनकी मूलभूत तीन आवश्यकताओं रोटी, कपड़ा और मकान की पूर्ति न हो पाती हो।  श्री धर्माधिकारी ने कहा कि नागरिकों को रोटी कपड़ा तो मिल जाता है लेकिन शहरीय क्षेत्रों में मकान नहीं मिल पाते हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि सरकार और गृह निर्माण एजेंसियों को ऐसे प्रयास करने चाहिए जिससे समाज के सबसे बड़े मध्यम वर्ग को रियायती मूल्यों पर आश्रय की सुविधा उपलब्ध हो सके।

पूर्व आय.ए.एस. अधिकारी श्री एम.एन.बुच ने कहा कि झुग्गी बस्तियों में रहने वाले लोगों का वोट बैंक के रूप में इस्तेमाल नहीं होना चाहिये। यहां पर रहने वाले लोगों को उनके रोजगार स्थल के आसपास ही बेहतर बुनियादी सुविधाओं वाले मकान दिये जाने चाहिये। श्री बुच ने कहा कि जब तक सहकारिता और आवास निर्माण के क्षेत्र में ईमानदार कार्यकर्ता नहीं होंगे तब तक सरकार की आवास नीति ठीक ढंग से संचालित नहीं हो सकेगी। उन्होंने कहा कि केवल शहरों में ही नहीं ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में भी अन्यान्य सेवाओं के लिये तैनात शासकीय सेवाओं को जब तक वहां आवास सुविधा उपलब्ध नहीं होगी तब तक वे अपनी सेवाएं नहीं दे पायेंगे और इस प्रकार ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में शासन द्वारा उपलब्ध कराई जा रही जनपयोगी सेवा-सुविधाओं का स्तर अच्छा नहीं होगा।


प्रमुख सचिव श्री राघवचन्द्रा ने कहा कि अच्छी आवास सुविधा के अभाव में व्यक्ति में मानव सृजनशीलता का भाव पैदा नहीं होता है। उन्होंने कहा कि गृह निर्माण मंडल वर्तमान में भले ही बाजार दर पर मकान उपलब्ध करा पा रहा है लेकिन यह निजी क्षेत्र के रीयल स्टेट बाजार में प्रतिस्पर्द्धा करने वाली एजेंसी होने के कारण मकानों के मूल्यों को स्थिर रखने वाली एक एजेंसी भी सिद्ध हुई है। उन्होंने जानकारी दी कि देश में आर्थिक दृष्टि से कमजोर और निम्न आय वर्गों के लोगों के लिये ढाई करोड़ मकानों की जरूरत है। श्री राघवचन्द्रा ने संगोष्ठी में राज्य और केन्द्र सरकार द्वारा बनाई जा रही आवास निर्माण योजनाओं की विस्तार से जानकारी दी।

प्रमुख सचिव श्री आलोक श्रीवास्तव ने कहा कि भोपाल के मास्टर प्लान पर आपत्तियां बुलाई गई हैं और उस पर गहन विचार विमर्श जारी है। लेकिन सिद्धांतत: शहरी क्षेत्रों के विकास योजनाओं में गरीबो की आवास योजनाओं को भी स्थान मिलना चाहिये। उन्होंने कहा कि मास्टर प्लान पर समग्र विचार विमर्श के लिये जन सामान्य को सुनवाई का अवसर दिया जायेगा। श्री श्रीवास्तव ने आंध्रप्रदेश में संचालित इंदिराम्मा आवास योजना का उल्लेख करते हुये कहा कि मध्यप्रदेश में भी उसी पैटर्न पर आगामी कुछ वर्षों में निर्धन वर्ग के परिवारों के लिये तीन हजार मकान बनाने की योजना पर अमल किया जा रहा है। उन्होंने बताया कि आंध्रप्रदेश में वहां की सरकार प्रतिवर्ष करीब चार हजार करोड़ रूपये का प्रावधान करती है। मध्यप्रदेश में भी संसाधनों की उपलब्धता के आधार पर बड़ी संख्या में आवास निर्माण का कार्य हाथ में लेने की योजना पर विचार चल रहा है। उन्होने बताया कि मध्यप्रदेश में वर्तमान में 32 लाख आवासहीन परिवार हैं। श्री श्रीवास्तव ने कहा कि केन्द्रीय योजनाओं तथा बैंकों से ऋण प्राप्त करके गरीब आवासहीन परिवारों के लिये शहरीय क्षेत्रों में साढ़े तीन से चार लाख रूपये के मूल्य के मकान बनाने की योजना विचाराधीन है। ये मकान हितग्राहियों को रियायाती ब्याज दरों और आसान किश्तों पर आवंटित करने का प्रस्ताव है।

सत्र में समूह चर्चा के दौरान प्रो जमीरउद्दीन ने गांवों में सेवारत शासकीय सेवकों और पुलिस कर्मियों को सरकारी आवास आवंटित करने की जरूरत बताई। मध्यप्रदेश गृह निर्माण मंडल के आयुक्त श्री वसीम अख्तर ने जानकारी दी कि मंडल को बाजार दर पर ही जमीन मिलती है इसलिये वह शहरीय क्षेत्रों में बाजार दर पर ही मकान बेच पाते हैं। एनजीओ श्री अजय दुबे ने कहा कि शहरों में धनवान लोगों को शासकीय गृह निर्माण एजेंसियों द्वारा एक से अधिक मकान नहीं दिये जाने चाहिये। आयोग के पुलिस महानिरीक्षक श्री पी.के.रूनवाल ने कहा कि आवासीय जमीन का व्यवसायिक उपयोग न हो इसके लिये राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर सख्त कानून बनाने की जरूरत है। श्री बुच ने गृह निर्माण एजेंसियों को भविष्य की आवासीय योजना के लिये ' भूमि बैंक' बनाने की जरूरत बताई। अंत में आयोग के सदस्य जस्टिस श्री ए.के.सक्सेना ने कहा कि आवास योजनाएं व्यवहारिक हों तथा ईमानदारी से क्रियान्वित होना चाहिये। उन्होंने कहा कि समय रहते जनसंख्या पर नियंत्रण नहीं किया गया तो आवास की समस्या जस की तस रहेगी। उन्होंने कहा कि योजनाओं के अमल में दूरदृष्टि बहुत आवश्यक है। आभार प्रदर्शन आयोग के प्रमुख सचिव श्री राकेश अग्रवाल ने किया। कार्यक्रम का संचालन उप सचिव श्री कुलदीप जैन ने किया।

By :  News Team

नर्मदा घाटी की सीतारेवा जल विद्युत परियोजना निजी क्षेत्र को

नर्मदा घाटी की छोटी जल विद्युत सम्भावनाओं पर ध्यान केन्द्रित करते हुये 15 मेगावाट क्षमता की सीतारेवा जल विद्युत परियोजना का निर्माण और संचालन निजी क्षेत्र को सौंपने का निर्णय लिया गया है। प्रदेष की लघु जल विद्युत परियोजना प्रोत्साहन नीति का अनुसरण करते हुये नर्मदा घाटी विकास प्राधिकरण अपनी पहली जल विद्युत परियोजना को निजी क्षेत्र से पूरा कराने का प्रस्ताव नर्मदा नियंत्रण मण्डल के समक्ष प्रस्तुत किया था। मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान की अध्यक्षता में सोमवार को सम्पन्न मण्डल की बैठक में इस परियोजना का निर्माण निजी क्षेत्र को दिये जाने के प्रस्ताव का अनुमोदन कर दिया। छिन्दवाडा जिले में नर्मदा की सहायक सीतारेवा नदी पर बनने वाली इस परियोजना से उत्पादित होने वाली बिजली का 15.60 प्रतिशत अंश राज्य को निःशुल्क उपलब्ध होगा। शेष बिजली भी मध्यप्रदेश को ही बेची जायेगी। परियोजना का निर्माण सीतारेवा नदी के प्राकृतिक रूप से लगभग 600 फीट ऊंचे जल प्रपात का उपयोग कर किया जायेगा। उल्लेखनीय है कि नर्मदा घाटी विकास प्राधिकरण ने नर्मदा घाटी में व्यापक सर्वेक्षण कर कई लघु जल विद्युत उत्पादन स्थलों का चयन किया है इनमें प्रमुख रूप से राघवपुर (20 मे.वा.), रोसरा (35 मे.वा.), बसानिया (60 मे.वा.), और सीतारेवा (15 मे.वा.) प्रमुख हैं।

नर्मदा नियंत्रण मण्डल की बैठक की अध्यक्षता करते हुये मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने कहा कि मध्यप्रदेश को आबंटित नर्मदा जल का उपयोग सन् 2024 की समय सीमा के अन्दर किया जाना सरकार की सर्वोच्च प्राथमिकता है, इसलिये परियोजनाओं के निर्माण में गुणवत्ता सहित समय सीमा पर कोई समझौता नहीं किया जाना चाहिये। नर्मदा घाटी की मध्यम और लघु परियोजनाओं के निर्माण को गति देने के लिये नर्मदा घाटी विकास प्राधिकरण के अंतर्गत बनाई गई ''नर्मदा अंचल'' मध्यम और लघु सिंचाई परियोजना परिषद् द्वारा प्रस्तावित परियोजना सर्वेक्षण और अन्य संबंधित कार्यो के प्रस्ताव का भी नर्मदा नियंत्रण मण्डल ने अनुमोदन कर दिया। प्रस्ताव के अंतर्गत प्रथम चरण में हाण्डिया से ओंकारेश्वर बांध तक 1 लाख 30 हजार हेक्टेयर क्षेत्र में सर्वेक्षण और परियोजना प्रतिवेदन बनाने के कार्य किया जायेगा। नर्मदा नियंत्रण मण्डल की बैठक में प्राधिकरण के उपाध्यक्ष श्री ओ.पी. रावत ने उक्त प्रस्तावों सहित पुनासा उद्वहन सिंचाई परियोजना की पुनरीक्षित लागत रू0 482.80 करोड की प्रशासकीय स्वीकृति का प्रस्ताव भी प्रस्तुत किया जिसका नियंत्रण मण्डल ने अनुमोदन कर दिया।

बैठक में वित्त मंत्री श्री राघवजी, लोक निर्माण मंत्री श्री नागेन्द्र सिंह, जल संसाधन मंत्री श्री जयंत मलैया, नर्मदा घाटी विकास राज्यमंत्री एवं नर्मदा प्राधिकरण अध्यक्ष श्री के.एल. अग्रवाल, मुख्य सचिव श्री राकेश साहनी, नर्मदा घाटी विकास प्राधिकरण के उपाध्यक्ष श्री ओ.पी.रावत, मुख्यमंत्री के सचिव श्री अनुराग जैन तथा अधिकारीगण उपस्थित थे।

By :  News Team

367 बाल विकास परियोजनाओं में संचालित हो रही है किशोरी शक्ति योजना

मध्यप्रदेश के सभी 367 बाल विकास परियोजनाओं में किशोरी शक्ति योजना संचालित हो रही है। इस योजना के तहत प्रत्येक ग्राम पंचायत से लगभग अठारह किशोरी बालिकाओं का चयन कर उन्हें प्रशिक्षित किया जा रहा है। 11 से 18 वर्ष की किशोरी बालिकाओं को अपने स्वास्थ्य की देखभाल, संतुलित भोजन एवं आर्थिक स्वावलंबन हेतु प्रशिक्षित किया जा रहा है। चयनित बालिकाओं को विभागीय पर्यवेक्षक, ए.एन.एम. तथा आंगनवाड़ी कार्यकर्ताओं द्वारा तीन दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण दिया जाता है। योजना के तहत जिला, विकासखण्ड एवं पंचायत स्तरीय प्रशिक्षण आयोजित किये जाते हैं।
By :  News Team

भोपाल में घरेलू कामकाजी महिलाओं की पंचायत अब 10 अक्टूबर को

घरों में कार्य करने वाली श्रमिक महिलाओं की राज्य स्तरीय पंचायत अब 10 अक्टूबर को होगी। विभिन्न पर्व-त्यौहारों के मद्देनजर वर्तमान माह में यह आयोजन नहीं हो सका। घरेलू कामकाजी महिलाओं की पंचायत मुख्यमंत्री निवास में होगी। प्रदेश के प्रत्येक जिले से प्रतिनिधि घरेलू कामकाजी महिलाओं को इसमें आमंत्रित किया जायेगा।

शासकीय चिकित्सालयों के वार्डों की नियमित धुलाई साफ-सफाई हो

लोक स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण मंत्री श्री अनूप मिश्रा ने शासकीय चिकित्सालयों के वार्डों की नियमित रूप से धुलाई करने एवं साफ सफाई रखने के निर्देश दिए है। श्री मिश्रा ने यह निर्देश आज सीहोर में भोपाल, सागर, इंदौर और उज्जैन संभागों में चले रहे स्वास्थ्य कार्यक्रमों की समीक्षा बैठक में दिए। बैठक में स्वास्थ्य सचिव श्री एस.आर. मोहंती, आयुक्त स्वास्थ्य, श्री मनोहर अगनानी उपस्थित थे।

लोक स्वास्थ्य मंत्री श्री अनूप मिश्रा ने सभी संभागों के जिलें में चल रहे स्वास्थ्य कार्यक्रमों की बिन्दुवार समीक्षा करते हुए शासकीय चिकित्सालयों में साफ-सफाई पर विशेष ध्यान देने को कहा। उन्होंने नियमित रूप से वार्डों की धुलाई करने तथा सभी चिकित्सीय वस्तुओं उपकरणों को साफ सुथरा रखने को कहा। उन्होंने कहा कि आज इनफेक्षन करने वाली गंदगी को हम रोक पाए तो मरीजों को बेहतर इलाज दे पाएंगे। श्री मिश्रा ने सीमॉक और बीमॉक संस्थाओं के सुदृढ़ीकरण को जरूरी बताते हुए कहा कि सभी सीमॉक संस्थाओं में रक्त संग्रह व्यवस्था हो यह सुनिश्चित किया जाए। स्वास्थ्य मंत्री ने अस्पतालों में उपलब्ध सोनोग्राफी, एक्सरे मशीने एवं अन्य उपकरणों के रखरखाव बेहतर ढंगसे करने के साथ ही ये मशीनें खराब न रहें यह सुनिश्चित करने को कहा। उन्होंने शिशु एवं मातृ, शिशु मृत्यु दर कम करने वाले कार्यक्रमों को प्रभावी ढंग से जिलों में लागू करने को कहा। उन्होंने कहा कि सभी स्वास्थ्य अधिकारी निरंतर इसकी समीक्षा करें और जहां भी उपलब्धि कम हो उसे पूरे करने के हर संभव प्रयास करें।

स्वास्थ्य मंत्री श्री मिश्रा ने एड्स कार्यक्रमों पर विशेष ध्यान दिए जाने के निर्देष देते हुए स्वास्थ्य अधिकारियां से कहा कि एड्स कार्यक्रमों की निरंतर मॉनिटरिंग करें। उन्होंने सभी जिलों में कॉल सेंटरों की व्यवस्था करने के निर्देष देते हुए स्वास्थ्य अमले में रिक्त पदों पर भर्ती प्रक्रिया शीघ्र प्रारंभ करने को कहा। श्री मिश्रा ने गरीबी रेखा के नीचे जीवन यापन करने वाले मरीजों को निःशुल्क औषधि मिले इस पर विशेष ध्यान देने के निर्देष दिए। उन्होंने प्रसव जांच के लिए आने वाली महिलाओं के खून की जांच अनिवार्य रूप से करने को कहा।

श्री मिश्रा ने कहा कि राज्य शासन पूरे प्रदेश में विशेषकर सुदूर अंचलों में बेहतर स्वास्थ्य सुविधाएं उपलब्ध हों यह सुनिश्चित करना चाहती है। स्वास्थ्य मंत्री ने कहा कि इसके लिए सरकार ने नीतिगत निर्णय लिए है ताकि हर स्तर पर सहज सुलभ तरीकें से आम मरीजों विशेषकर गरीबों को इलाज मिले। उन्होंने कहा कि स्वास्थ्य के क्षेत्र में जिन संसाधनों की कमी है उन्हें भी दूर करने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है। उन्होंने स्वास्थ्य के मैदानी अमले से कहा कि वे वर्तमान में उपलब्ध संसाधनों से मरीजांे को बेहतर इलाज दे और मानवीय रूख अपनाएं ताकि रोगियों को मानसिक रूप से भी राहत मिल सके। श्री मिश्रा ने कहा कि स्वास्थ्य सुविधाओं में लापरवाही एक गंभीर मामला है इस पर सरकार सख्ती का रूख अपनाएगी।

बैठक में सभी संभागों के आयुक्त, कलेक्टर एवं स्वास्थ्य विभाग के अधिकारी उपस्थित थे। बैठक निरंतर ग्यारह घंटे तक चली।

By :  News Team

एस.एस.पी. खाद पर केन्द्र द्वारा रियायती योजना समाप्त

भारत सरकार द्वारा सिगिंल सुपरफास्फेट (एस.एस.पी.) के लिये लागू रियायती योजना को आगामी एक अक्टूबर से आगे नहीं बढ़ाए जाने के कारण उसके मूल्य में वृद्धि होगी। इस रसायनिक खाद पर  खुला बाजार मूल्य लागू होने से इसकी मूल्य वृद्धि का भार आगामी रबी फसल से ही सीधे किसानों पर होगा। इससे इसकी उपलब्धता भी बाजार के अनुसार हो जायेगी।

यह जानकारी आज यहां मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराजसिंह चौहान की अध्यक्षता में रबी फसलों की तैयारी की समीक्षा में दी गई। इस संबंध में भारत सरकार के रसायन एवं खाद मंत्रालय ने सभी राज्यों के मुख्य सचिवों एवं कृषि विभागों को पत्र भेजा है।

बैठक में बताया गया कि भारत सरकार ने वर्तमान सितम्बर माह तक के लिये एस.एस.पी. खाद पर रियायती योजना को बढ़ाया था। अब एस.एस.पी. खाद के निर्माताओं तथा इसके उत्पादन के लिये राक फास्फेट आयात करने पर अलग-अलग नियमों की घोषणा की गई है।

इस नयी व्यवस्था से किसानों को होने वाली परेशानी के संबंध में मुख्यमंत्री श्री चौहान केन्द्र सरकार का ध्यान आकर्षित करने के लिये पत्र लिखेंगे।

By :  News Team

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Police to question Samwartak Singh

The UT police will question the Director Public Instructions (Schools) Samwartak Singh Khangwal for his prima-facie involvement in the teachers' recruitment scam.

"The investigations so far indicate towards involvement of Samwartak Singh in the entire scandal, for which he needs to be questioned at length. We will question him soon. He needs to explain the scores of phone calls and messages exchanged between him and the accused, particularly after the recruitment process picked up pace," a senior police official said. Singh is a Haryana-cadre IAS officer.

Highly placed sources in the Administration said Samwartak Singh could be repatriated to his parent cadre.

Also, according to sources, involvement of other senior officials of the Education department in the scam cannot be ruled out.

The police, meanwhile, got the custody of the two accused, Jolly and Hardev Singh, for two more days. Now, the accused will be produced in the court on September 10.

The accused had allegedly accepted bribe from the eligible candidates through cheques. They had assured the candidates that the cheques would be encashed only after their selection.

In the court, the prosecution pleaded that they needed to recover those cheques and asked for more time to interrogate the accused to know the names of other officials involved in the scam.

Source : Indian Express

Saturday, August 22, 2009

DC Awards Certificates to Rural Students in SVIET


Swami Vivekanand Group of Institutions conducted a certification Program 'Protsahan 09' on Aug 21, 09 for the students who under Rural Development Program NAVI RAH secured their career. Under this program, Swami Vivekanand Group of Institutions is running SVIET Rural Computer Center and SVIET Rural Stitching Training Center. In this program the training is given to the students of nearby villages practically free of cost. The Chief Guest of this program was Mr. Dipinder Singh, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Patiala. About 70 Students were awarded certificates and trophies. Cultural activities like play, dances, poem recitation and many more marked the atmosphere of the program.


Mr. Dipinder Singh, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Patiala, was received by the NCC Cadets of the institute. The event started with lamp lightening which was followed by Saraswati Vandana. 


In his address, Mr. Dipinder Singh, appreciated the efforts of SVIET for taking such a revolutionary step. He added further that various NGOs are also taking steps for rural development. If every college like SVIET takes such steps, India would be a better and developed country and we can hope for a better future.


Chairman, SVGOI, Shri Ashwani K. Garg, said that the area around Chandigarh is emerging as IT Hub, and SVIET is keen to spread IT awareness in the rural areas also. He further, in a message to the students, conveyed that toppers of the courses will be offered future course; free of cost which will be supported to them for the purpose of employment. 


Sh. Ashok Garg, Director-Finance also stated that Villages are the real heart of our nation and most of our population resides in the rural areas. For the development of the nation we have to uplift the rural India.


Dr. Paramjit Singh, Director/Principal, SVIET, stated that Swami Vivekanand Group of Institutes has become probably first chain of educational Institutes in the region who is committed to Rural Development program. Two programs named SVIET Rural Computer Centre and SVIET Stitching Training Centre were introduced under this Rural Development scheme to train manpower for self employment.


Dr. Sanjay Bajaj, Principal, SVCP, in his welcome address, opined that this is an effort to create self employment for rural people as this is the need of the hour. We know that rural people are behind due to the lack of Information Technology. We want to pull them back to the main stream by empowering them with new technology so that they can move along with the other developed sections of the society.


After the Certification Programme, Tree Plantation Ceremony was held in the campus. Many trees were planted by the Chief Guest Mr. Dipinder Singh along with the other dignitaries present on the occasion Mr. Karamjit Singh, Divisional Forest Officer, Patiala and Mr. Harbhajan Singh Range Officer, Rajpura. The ceremony symbolized a need of the present era - Collaboration of Technology and Nature.


Others whose presence graced the occasion were Shri Sohan Lal Sharma(Bursar), Dr. Raman Rani, Principal, SVCE; Dr. Usha Aggarwal, Principal, SVIM (W), Dr. S. V. Malhotra, Principal, SVCM and Dr. Shashi Jain, Principal, SVBS, Mr.Roop Singh, BDO, Rajpura, Ms. Narinder kaur, Chairperson, Block Samiti, Ms.Bhupinder Kaur,Chairperson, Panchayat Samiti.

By :  News Team

16 years old Priya brings pride to the city

22 Aug :Luminous Power Technologies Pvt. Ltd. the leading Power & Energy Storage Company with a vast global presence awarded 16 years old girl Priya, a local student of Chandigarh with the 'Luminous Ghar Ka Chirag' scholarship with an amount of Rs. 30000/-. Priya has been rewarded for her proven exceptional talent in Social Work.


Priya, a student of Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School, Sector-41 in Chandigarh has been actively participated in various social activities. She is accrediting writer, environmentalist, Youth leader and a role model of the youth of the country. She has won many state, national and international awards in social work in such a small age. She has written 450 articles since childhood on burning issues like environment, pollution, female foeticide, dowry, and empowerment. As an environmentalist her project "Increasing Underground Water Resources" has been accepted and recognized by Govt. of India. She awarded nationally and internationally for her world wide contribution in the field of social work.


"It was the most enchanted moment of my life to receive a scholarship like this when I believe the Ghar ka Chirag award will encourage everybody to do more contributions for the betterment of our country. Getting awarded feels like a dream come true for me." Priya said sharing her bliss.


Under the initiative of Ghar Ka Chirag exceptionally talented Kids in the field of Sports, Academics, Art & Culture, Social Work, and Bravery are being awarded with scholarships worth Rs. 5 Lac all through India. Luminous also awarded three more students from Punjab & Haryana. Kapil Bansal & Manish Bansal from Jind for Bravery & Neeharika Sexena from Ludhiana for Academics.


Present on the occasion of Luminous Ghar Ka Chirag Scholarship felicitation ceremony Mr. Manjeet Yadav, Branch Manager Chandigarh,  Luminous Power Technologies said "The "Ghar ka Chirag" concept is based on the simple fact that within each of our  family/friends/neighborhood, there is somebody who is exceptionally talented but lacks the resources to make the most of his/her talent. Priya has proved her outstanding performance in cultural work with her achievements and she deserved the recognition for the same.'


Ghar Ka Chirag Scholarship was a PAN India programme and announced through the different channels of communication. There were five categories Sports, academics, art & culture, social welfare and bravery for the scholarship. The main objective of this programme was to nurture and reward talent which would otherwise had been lost & remained untapped. 


About Luminous Power Technologies:-

Luminous Power Technologies is a leading Power & energy Storage Company with a global presence, delivering high quality Inverters, UPS, batteries and renewable Energy Products. Luminous Power Technologies also has other business interests in Consumer Appliances, Information technology and Networking Solutions. Founded in 1988, Luminous markets its products over 32 countries worldwide. Its Global technology centers located in India, United States & China deliver cutting edge technology that goes into every Luminous product. Luminous follows its proprietary UGC (Universal Grid Compatibility) process to ensure consistency & very high standard of reliability of its products anywhere in the world. Luminous has been consistently winning awards & accolades for market leadership and excellent reliability of its products. Luminous is the proud recipient of Industry Technological Leadership award for market penetration in DC-AC Inverters in Non Renewable Energy markets in Asia Pacific. 
By :  News Team

Divya wins 'Poster Making Contest'

CHANDIGARH, AUG 22 : Divya Hooda  of class 7th B won the first prizes in the poster making competition organized on the occasion of 64th Birth Anniversary of late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi  in Saint Soldier International School, ground in Sector 28 B here yesterday. Results were declared today.

Bhumika (7th C) and Deeksha Pundir (7th)  claimed the second and third positions, respectively.The competition was organized to create awareness among the students about conserving energy and to mark the occasion of 64th Birth Anniversary of Rajiv Gandhi.

Participants made posters on the topic 'Energy Conservation' depicting the ways and means to conserve energy so that our future would be safe.
By :  News Team

Monday, August 17, 2009

UT creates team to stop hoarding of commodities

Times of India
CHANDIGARH: Price rise has been causing household budgets to go haywire. Now, UT administration has decided to introduce a system to stop traders from ...

Only Administrator, Chief Justice to get pilot, escort vehicles
Indian Express
The UT Administration has at last finalised its policy on providing pilot and escort vehicles to dignitaries in Chandigarh. According to the policy, ...
See all stories on this topic
Councillors give I-Day function a miss
Times of India
CHANDIGARH: The ongoing conflict between Chandigarh mayor Kamlesh and the Congress councillors and her unpopularity among the opposition members and ...

Friday, August 14, 2009

PM hoists the tricolor on 63rd Independence Day

  15 Aug : The Nation celebrates the 63rd Independence Day on Saturday, the 15th of August, 2009 and the main function was held at the historic Red Fort where Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh hoisted the tri-colour from the rampart of Lal Quila.

Sending out a positive message on Independence Day, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called for a new era of cooperation and harmony and pledged all possible government assistance to farmers to deal with drought and stepped up efforts to control spiralling prices.

Addressing the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort for the sixth consecutive year, Singh said the government would work for political stability and strengthening economy with an aim of marching towards "a golden future".

Asserting that the people had rejected sectarian politics and have "chosen a political arrangement which is secular", he called for "a new era of cooperation and harmony" and promised to take everyone along to create "an environment of consensus and cooperation".

"You have entrusted a big responsibility on us and we humbly accept that and will fulfill it", he said.

Referring to the problem of the H1N1 flu facing the country, Dr. Singh said that there was no need to panic and that the Center and the States will work together to fight the flu.

PM says yet another Green Revolution needed for farmers not yet brought under irrigation, says several measures being taken to overcome effects of poor monsoon, including crop loans.Dr. Singh said the country needed another Green Revolution to achieve four per cent annual growth in agriculture. This, he said, is achievable in the next five years.

 Promising special attention to minorities, the Prime Minister said caring for them was not appeasement.He said the government has chalked out a number of programmes for the benefit of minorities and allocation for their welfare has been increased.
By :  News Team

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Vandana is Miss Fresher of Govt. College for Girls, Sec-11, Chandigarh.

11-08-2009: The seniors of the Dept. of Computer Applications, Govt. College for Girls, Sec-11, Chandigarh, organized a Welcome party for the fresher's of BCA & PGDCA Courses. . Dr Pardeep Singh Walia., HOD, BCA Department, welcomed the Principal and the staff members.

 'Monsoon showers' was the vibrant theme of the evening. Dazzling performances of the students enthralled the audience. The students danced on a medley of songs which was enjoyed thoroughly by the audience. Solo song performances were also highly applauded by one and all. A group dance left the audience swerving on their feet. The fresher's were adjudged for Personality, Confidence and Presence of Mind in three rounds and the results are as follows:

Miss Fresher  -   Ms. Vandana
Miss Charming -               Ms  Megha
Miss Talented -   Ms Spardha

 The principal and the faculty members enjoyed the show and could not help praising the students performing on the stage. Dr S.Patheja, Mrs Shashi Joshi , Dr P.ojha, Dr Nisha Aggarwal and Mrs Sangam Kapoor acted as Judges for the evening. Speaking on the occasion. Dr. Promila Kaushal, Principal of the college welcomed the freshers and congratulated them on their vibrant performances. She enjoyed the gala show thoroughly and had laurels in appreciation of the performances put up by the students


By :  News Team

Traffic police holds a traffic rules awareness rally

Chandigarh, August 11 : To get aware the young female drivers about the traffic rules and the role of wearing a helmet, a special rally was conducted today from traffic park, sector 23 to Piazza Sector 17.

More than 100 girl students of MCM DAV College, Sector 36 and lady police officials participated in the rally to promote wearing of safety helmets.

The participants were carrying placards having messages about road safety

UT SSP (traffic and security) HS Doon, flagged-off the rally. The rally passed through Sectors 24, 15, 16 and 17, where it concluded.

While delivering the literatures on road safety, DSP traffic, Ashwani Kumar said, "In coming days, we are going to conduct some more awareness rallies in various Sectors."

By :  News Team

Google carries on Chandigarh Dental Implant Center on its front page

Chandigarh, August 11 : UT administration has now some reason to say cheers! One of its initiatives has reached the globe.The plan of setting up the first dental implant centre in the public sector has been acclaimed and given front page treatment by the Google Website.

The aim of this project is to make dental implant affordable for the common man.The ultra-modern centre in Sector 45, with advanced implant facilities, had been inaugurated by Gen (Retd) SF Rodrigues, UT Administrator, on June 8.

The website takes note of the fact that the UT administration is making inroads into the domain of the private sector.
The procedure of dental implant is presently monopolized by private hospitals. It is indeed a costly proposition, virtually beyond the reach of the common man.

But, this centre provides better facilities at reasonable rates: the cost of nickel-titanium implant here is just Rs 6,400 as compared to about Rs 20,000 in the private sector.

Dr RS Mann, mastermind of the project and in charge of the entre, said that the ascending popularity graph of the centre had surprised all and finally found its way to Google.

By :  News Team

Equal rights comm for minorities to be set up: Govt

11 Aug : The Centre has proposed setting up of an 'equal rights commission' with the objective of bringing minorities into the national mainstream, Union Minister Salman Khursheed has said.

"I am very hopeful that equal rights commission bill will be passed in next session of Parliament," the minister for minority and corporate affairs said at a function in Mumbai on Monday night.

Several Muslim organisations and leaders, during their interaction with the senior Congress leader, demanded measures to protect Wakf properties, reservation for Muslims in government jobs and development of minority-run educational institutions.

Schemes for minorities announced by states and the Centre would be reviewed and workshops at district level would be organised across the country, Khursheed said.

Maharashtra Minority Development Minister Anees Ahmed said the Centre should take measures to save Wakf properties.

Minorities have great expectations from the ministry after Sachar Committee report highlighted social, economic and educational backwardness of Muslims, he said.

The ministry was formed by the UPA government in 2006. A R Antulay, who held the charge before Khursheed, was present.

By :  News Team

Friday, July 3, 2009

PM hails Mamata, says budget will make train journey enjoyable

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh hailed Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee for doing a "competent job" at a short notice, saying the Railway Budget will make train travel an "enjoyable experience".

"She (Mamata) has prepared a budget which does not impose burden by way of increase in freight charges or passenger charges," Dr Singh told reporters outside Parliament shortly after the Railway Budget 2009-10 was presented in Lok Sabha.   

"At the same time, she has, in keeping with our government's election promises, focussed her attention on passenger amenities like security and safety of rail travel, making it an enjoyable experience," he said.Dr Singh said the Railway Minister has mentioned a large number of facilities by way of using innovative financial mechanisms like public-private partnership (PPP), "to improve railway production and to finance more investment". 

"I, therefore, compliment her for a competent job she has accomplished in shortest available time," he said.
By :  News Team

No increase in passenger rail fares, slew of sops in Rly budget

3 July : Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee has proposed no increase in passenger fares or freight tariff while announcing a slew of measures including launch of 12 non-stop point-to-point long-distance trains and air-conditioned double-decker coaches for inter-city travel.

Presenting the Budget for 2009-10 in the Lok Sabha, the first after UPA's return to power, she also announced concessions for unorganised sector by proposing monthly season ticket of Rs 25 for people with monthly income of up to Rs 1,500 for travel up to 100 kms.

Her proposals included introduction of 57 new train services, extension of 27 new trains and increase in frequency of 13 trains and making 'Tatkal' scheme more user-friendly by reducing the advance booking period from five days to two days and minimum charge from Rs 150 to Rs 100.

The sops also covered students of Madrassas to whom concessions will be extended. Concessional monthly season tickets to students in Kolkata will be applicable for travel in the Kolkata Metro Rail also.

The Budget estimates for 2009-10 projects a freight loading target of 882 million tonnes, an increase of 49 million tonnes and a six per cent increase in the number of passengers.Gross traffic receipts have been estimated at Rs 88,419 crore, which is Rs 8,557 crore more than 2008-09. 

Highlights of Railway Budget 2009-10   

*   Passenger and freight rates across board left unchanged 

*   Net revenue of Railways at Rs 8,121 crore in 2008-09 

*   To pay higher dividend Rs 5,479 crore to Centre in FY'10

*   Tatkal charges reduced from rs 150 to Rs 100

*   Ladies' specials in suburban trains during peak hours

*   'Izzat' monthly ticket of Rs 25 for up to 100 km travel

*   New coach factory at Kanchrapara in West Bengal 

*   Cold storages for farmers to store vegetables and fruits

 *   Talks to take over ailing wagon manufacturing units

*   18,000 wagons to be acquired during current year 

*   Railway medical colleges along with rail hospitals on PPP

*   Student concession will cover Madrasa students

*   Spl. coaches for disabled and aged persons

*   50 stations to be developed on world-class standard 

*   375 stations to be upgraded as 'Adarsh' stations with basic facilities - drinking water, toilets and ladies' dormitories 

*   On-board availability of doctors in long distance trains 

*   On-board infotainment services to be provided

*   6,560 staff quarters to be constructed in 2009-10

*   High-capacity A/C double-decker trains to be introduced 

*   57 new trains to be introduced 

*   12 non-stop trains to be introduced 

*   Accredited journalists to get 50% rebate; also once a year with spouse 

*   Proposes 1,000 MW power plant at Adra, a tribal area 

*   Cash surplus of Rs 17,400 crore before dividend 

*   Railways has investible surplus of Rs 12,681 crore 

*   Annual plan expenditure pegged at Rs 36,336 crore

By :  News Team


Chandigarh, 3rd  July, 2009 –         The Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of Punjab has decided to provide Rs. 200/- for private transportation of pregnant women for deliveries in Government Hospitals.  Prof. Laxmi Kanta Chawla, Health & Family Welfare Minister, Punjab here today stated that this initiative has been taken under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM).  All categories of women i.e. both Rural and Urban would be eligible for grant of Rs. 200/- for the transport. The amount would be paid in the Institution itself at the time of discharge of the mother. This facility has been provided in order to encourage the mothers to approach the Health Institutions for deliveries. 

                    The Minister further stated that Health Department in December, 2008 had waived off the user charges for all deliveries including caesarean in Government Hospitals.  The user charges of Rs. 300/- for normal delivery and Rs. 1000/- for caesareans have been withdrawn and the deliveries are being conducted free of cost in the Government Hospitals. She added that the Department has recorded a remarkable 50% increase in the Institutional deliveries in Government Hospitals during 2008-09 as compared to previous year 2007-08.  The Minister appealed to the people, especially the pregnant women to utilize the govt health facilities for deliveries.  She exhorted people to stop the practice of deliveries at homes and at hands of unskilled people.  The Minister told that increase of institutional deliveries would drastically bring down in Infant Mortality Ratio (IMR) and Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR).
By :  News Team

Thursday, July 2, 2009

38 lakh children brought back to schools in Bihar: Minister

The efforts of Bihar govt under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) has yielded positive results with 38.25 lakh children in 6 to 14 age group being brought back to schools, Human Resources Dev minister Hari Narain Singh informed the state Assembly.

Replying to budgetary demands of the department totalling over Rs 8,700 crore, Singh said the number of dropouts among school children was 45.75 lakh in 2001 and it came down to 7.5 lakh during the current year.

He said the government had resolved to cover all the 7.5 lakh school children in the state and provide them quality primary education during 2009-10 as "it's their fundamental right".

The Minister said while the erstwhile RJD regime spent Rs 1081.51 crore between 2001-02 and 2005, the NDA government spent Rs 1539.59 crore in just one year (2006-07) under the flagship programme.

The expenditure rose to 2176.41 crore during 2008-09.

Impressed by the state government's performance on this front, the Centre has increased the allotment manifold and has sanctioned over Rs 4,300 crore to Bihar for the year 2009-10 under the SSA.

Singh said that school going children up to class VIII were being provided the books free of cost since 2008-09 and the government had spent Rs 201 crore on this front.



By :  News Team

Red alert in Majuli as Assam flood situation turns grim

The flood situation on Thursday turned grave in Assam following heavy rainfall in the catchment areas as red alert was sounded in Majuli, the world's largest river island, and Lakhimpur.

Official sources said more than two lakh people of nearly 300 villages have been affected due to breach in embankments at Majuli and Lakhimpur.

In Majuli, an embankment was breached on Thursday morning at Nayabazaar inundating Jengraimukh, Fuloni, Halodiati, Kherkotamukh and Nayabazaar.

In Lakhimpur, a 100-metre stretch of the "geo-fabric" embankment, constructed by a Malaysian company at a cost of Rs 140 crore, was breached on Wednesday at Matmora affecting nearly 200 villages.

East Dhakuakhana, Matmora, Kherkota, Dangdhara, Dimoruguri, Kekuri and Dholpata were among the areas which got submerged.

Heavy rainfall in the catchment areas in the foothills of the Himalayas in Arunachal Pradesh resulted in floods in Lakhimpur, Dhemaji, Sonitpur and Jorhat.

A red alert has been sounded in these areas and personnel of National Disaster Rescue Force were engaged in rescuing the marooned people.

Water level of the mighty Brahmaputra was flowing close to the danger level at Guwahati.
By :  News Team

Housing scheme could make India slum-free in five years: Selja

2 July : An ambitious housing scheme aiming to make the country slum-free within the next five years is on the cards, the Rajya Sabha was informed on Thursday.

"The government has decided to introduce a new scheme namely 'Rajiv Awas Yojana' for slum dwellers and the urban poor on the lines of 'Indira Awas Yojana' for the rural poor," Kumari Selja, Minister of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation said in a written reply on Thursday.

She said that the scheme would extend support to states that are willing to assign property rights to people living in slum areas.

"The government's efforts would be to create a slum-free India through the scheme which also envisages the states to prepare their own time-bound plans to make the cities and towns slum free, she said.

She, however said that no funds have been released so far to any state under the proposed scheme.

Talking about the UPAs flagship programme of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) launched in 2005, the minister said Rs 3,749.64 crores and Rs 2,581.06 crores have been released under Basic Services to Urban Poor and Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme respectively to various states. (DD-2.7)

Selja says 15 lakh houses sanctioned for poor

Releasing her ministry's 100-day agenda, tourism and housing Minister Kumari Selja said that over fifteen lakh houses have been sanctioned for the poor people across the country.

Government is likely to develop a model legal framework to consider property rights to the urban slum dwellers.

She also said that the UPA government is committed to encourage domestic tourism in the country.

Aiming at empowering the urban poor with legal rights, UPA government is initiating steps to provide property entitlements to them.

"We will develop a model legal framework for consideration by states and Union Territories for according property rights to slum dwellers," said Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Minister Kumari Selja in New Delhi today while announcing 100-day plan of action for the ministry.

There are about 81 million urban poor or slum dwellers in the country as per the 2004-05 census.

Spelling out her action plan she said, "Ministry will formulate 'Rajiv Awas Yojana' for slum dwellers and the urban poor in an effort to promote a slum-free India in five years.

Clarifying that the property rights means access to housing by the slum dwellers, she said the scheme will focus on according rights to those living in slums and states would provide basic amenities such as water supply, sewerage, drainage, internal and approach roads, street lighting and social infrastructure facilities.

Now, we are proposing that master plans have to include reservation of land to build houses for the poor and also for their economic activities like street vending, she said.

Once the slum dwellers get the ownership right through legal process, they can leverage it for their further betterment, she said.

As per the plan, the property rights model will draw best practices both within and outside the country and be circulated to states to enable them to establish their own legal regulatory frameworks suiting local conditions.

The model legal framework for property rights proposes to include reservation of land for housing and informal sector activities by the urban poor in city and zonal plans.

"It will cover the provision of security of tenure to the urban poor and also making land available for affordable housing, basic amenities and informal sector activities of the poor through the process of urban planning," she said.

Admitting the past policy as faulty which could not cater to the needs of poor people in urban areas, Selja said it resulted in the mushrooming of slums in cities.

Master plans have led to exclusion of the poor from the city development process and driven them to precarious and illegal settlements, she said. 

Food Processing Industry is likely to create one lakh jobs in next six years through Evergreen Revolution.

Food and Processing ministry plans to establish three hundred and fifty food processing units at an estimated cost of one lakh crore rupees.

Announcing ministry's 100 days agenda, Food and Processing Minister Subodh Kant Sahay termed it as an evergreen revolution.

He said that the scheme will help in generating one million jobs.

By :  News Team


2 July ; A new team of Rotary Club Mokokchung has been installed with Rotarian Tsukti Longkumer as its new president and Rotarian Maniraj as its Secretary for the tenure 2009-10. The grand 34th installation of office bearers of various posts was held on 1st July 2009 at its office in Mokokchung town with a commitment to work with a greater enthusiasm for the welfare of the people. Rotarian R. S. Paneshar, Assistant Governor, Zone-9 Rotary International District 3240 installed the new team.

            Reposing his trust upon the new team Rotarian Paneshar expressed hope that the commitment of the Rotary International to give hopes to the hopeless, benefits to the under privileged would be carried forward with a greater zeal. Stating that eradication of Polio, a worldwide health campaign is pioneered by Rotary International, Paneshar said, Rotary Clubs all over the world will focus on health care, education and sanitation programmes during the next tenure. He also said special attention would be given to those physically challenged people for their well being.

            Rotary International is known world wide for their humanitarian services to victims of conflicts and war and looking after less fortunate people around the world. In his speech Rotarian N. Alley said though members of the Rotary Club Mokokchung is comparatively low yet it has been engaged in a number of humanitarian services in the district since its inception in 1976.

            Deputy Commissioner C.M. Tsanglao who graced the installation function was also inducted as honorary member of the Rotary Club, Mokokchung. Accepting the offer Tsanglao said he would contribute his best towards the Club based on its motto 'Giving, Not Taking'.

By :  News Team


2 July :  The Postal Service Department, Nagaland has introduced the Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) in the State for insuring lives of the people residing in the rural areas with the highest Bonus and Lowest Premium. The main objective of RPLI is to insure prosperity of the family members on the death of the bread earner of the family on payment of a nominal premium and to insure the lives of the villagers/rural people and insure their security and prosperity on payment of nominal premium. The Government of India introduced the Postal Life Insure Scheme in the year 1884 and it has attractive plans to suit individual and insurance needs. Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) was launched in the year 1995 and since then it has attained huge success.

            Business and hecticness has become a vital part of human life today and increasing in the same ratio are adversaries, accidents and damage, hence, the security of human life and family has become more important. The new scheme (RPLI) has been extended to all the residents of the rural areas. Some of the salient features of the Scheme are Low Premium, High Bonus, Risk cover, Non-lapse, Double Benefit, Loan, Reinstatement Revival etc. Payment of assured sum can be encashed from any Post Office. A Short Term Anticipated Endowment Assurance (AEA) specially designed for rural insurants guarantee special relief in case of natural calamities affecting the insurant directly.

            All persons who are admitted to the benefits of the Postal Life Insurance has direct Government security for payment at the proper time of the money due to them. The Scheme of RPLI, which has the aim to cover the rural people, is administered and operated by the Department of Postal Services.

By :  News Team


2 July : State Chief Minister, Neiphiu Rio said that the time has come to think collectively and not individually in order to usher in development in the State. He said that it is time to change mindsets and attitudes and move progressively.

            Speaking at the inaugural function of the new Directorate Office Building of the Industries and Commerce Department at Kohima this morning, Rio said that the DAN Government had focused much of its formative years on infrastructural development and there has been significant changes in the landscape of the State in just few years. He said that everyone should make conscious efforts to maintain these infrastructural assets. Rio also said that the State possesses vast untapped natural resources and the Government is thinking of capitalizing on positive assets to improve the living condition of the people.

            Stating that the Department of Industries and Commerce is a key player in generation of activities and providing a conducive atmosphere of trade and commerce, Rio said that the youth should come forward and avail the opportunities provided by the Government to take up self employment schemes and entrepreneurship. He said that one should identify the locally available raw materials and make the best use of them. He emphasized on quality control and said that the Industrial Revolution, the Green Revolution and the White Revolutions are yet to make its mark in Nagaland due to deficiencies in various quarters and challenged the youth to come forward and make a difference.

            Rio said that the Government of India is setting up two Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in Nagaland, which is one of the first of its kind in the Northeast Region. The two SEZs are the Multi Product Special Economic Zone and Agro Food Processing Special Economic Zone. He said that the Department of Industries and Commerce will change the social and economic landscapes of the State and the department should gear up for the success of these two ventures. Rio further congratulated the Department for the successful completion of the new building and hoped that the Department would rededicate to work for the people. He also congratulated the contractors and the architect for the impressive work done.

            Minister for Urban Development & Higher Education, Dr. Shürhozelie in his speech said that an industry is a system of economic development of the State and highlighted on the advancement of the industrial revolution. He said that Nagaland has raw materials and natural resources which are yet to be explored and stresses on the need of close coordination between line departments. He said that industrial planning should be more on genetic lines with more use of human intervention. Shürhozelie said that the Department of Industries & Commerce work in tandem with the local entrepreneurs and so capacity building for the beneficiaries should play a vital role to ensure all-round development. He congratulated the Parliamentary Secretary, I&C, Dr. K.C. Nihoshe for completing the project during his tenure and also congratulated the present Rajya Sabha member, Khekiho Zhimomi who had initiated the new building construction during his tenure.

            Parliamentary Secretary, I&C, Dr. Nihoshe, in his short speech said that the successful completion of the building is a fitting example of the progress made by the State Government under the leadership of the present Chief Minister. He called upon the people to work in tandem with the Government to do away with land, security and power problems so that people from outside can come and invest in the State.

            Director, I&C, G. Keppen Rengma in his brief report said that the building construction was started during 2004-05 and has been completed at an estimated rate of Rs. 22.5 crores. The building has 78 rooms including 19 rooms with attached toilets and 12 common toilets, and a conference hall with a sitting capacity of 250-300 persons. He said that an annexe of the building will house the Regional Chairman NE-II Food Processing Industries. The contractors of the building are Vilelie Khamo and Richard Belho, who is also the architect of the building. The welcome speech was delivered by Commissioner & Secretary, I&C, Imkonglemba IAS while the programme was chaired by Chief Secretary, Lalthara, IAS.

By :  News Team

Hashtech Launches Nano Series of Kiosks

Hashtech launches new Nano series of Kiosks. New models incorporate latest technologies including thin client and Atom processors.

"If our models don't knock you down, the prices sure will," said Harish Sukhwal at the launch of the four new models of Kiosks under the Nano series. Specifically designed for the Indian environment, these machines are rugged to withstand extreme operation conditions and come at prices that are "atleast 50-60 percent lower than what is available in the market. We have been able to achieve these prices by taking advantage of new technologies like thin clients and the Atom series of processors. Apart from the low cost of acquisition, the new kiosks also have low overall cost of operation due to their frugality in consuming power."

The four machines launched today include:

HSK Nano DW 0901: Based on a Devon IT thin client, this machine needs a LAN environment to run. The wall mount display makes it ideal for use in almost every location where space is at a premium. Ideally suited for restaurants, libraries, bank information terminals, hospitals and educational institutes. Can work with a wide variety of system software including Linux and Windows. Click here for system details.

MRP: Rs 38,999/-.

HSK Nano DF 0911: Based on a Devon IT thin client, this machine needs a LAN environment to run. The floor standing model (that comes with frosted acrylic sheets and back lighting) is ideally suited for environments where the kiosk body will be used for publicity. Typical locations would include high traffic areas like malls, restaurants, libraries, bank information terminals, hospitals and educational institutes. Can work with a wide variety of system software including Linux and Windows. Click here for system details.

MRP: Rs 44,999/-

HSK Nano ZW 0921: Based on Intel's Atom processor this wall mount is a monster performer that sips power. Ideally suited for locations where space is a premium. Can be used to run a wide variety of media from movies, to flash presentations and all types of kiosk software. Typical locations would be airports, rail and bus stations, malls, hospitals, movie theaters, exhibitions and educational institutes. These sleek models are very portable and serve as a great movable informational display. Click here for system details.

MRP: Rs 42,999/-

HSK Nano ZF 0931: Based on Intel's Atom processor this wall mount is a monster performer that sips power. The floor standing model (that comes with frosted acrylic sheets and back lighting) is ideally suited for environments where the kiosk body will be used for publicity. Can be used in both indoor and outdoor locations. Click here for system details.

MRP: Rs 48,999/-

By :  News Team

UGC Refresher Course in Environment Studies

CHANDIGARH-July 02, 2009:A three week UGC refresher Course on Environmental Studies was inaugurated by Prof R C Sobti, Vice Chancellor, Panjab University, Chandigarh today morning at 10.30 am in the Seminar Hall of Botany Department. More than 40 teachers from Universities and Colleges across the country are participating in the course. Baba Balbir Singh Seechawal, a well-known environmentalist was the Guest of Honour. The Course Coordinator, Professor A .S. Ahluwalia, Chairman, Department of Environment and Vocational Studies, Panjab University and Dean Faculty of Science introduced the theme of the refresher course.
 In his inaugural address Prof Sobti Vice Chancellor stressed for more awareness about our environment. He cited many examples from daily life to highlight the importance and necessity to protect our surroundings. Sant Seechawal  addressed the participants and  projected a film showing the extent of pollution of our water, air and other resources . He also discussed how one can contribute to overcome such problems taking Holy Bein project in the back drop.  A number of eminent resource persons from all over the country will be interacting with the Participants on a spectrum of topics. Today in the evening, Prof Rajesh Gill Chairperson Deptt of Women Studies delivered the lecture highlighting role of women in Environment protection.
By :  News Team

Admission to M.A. Part-I in Gandhian and Peace Studies

CHANDIGARH-July 02, 2009:Heave rush for admission in M.A. Part-I in Gandhian & Peace Studies.  According to the Chairman of the Dept. there is unprecedented rush for admission in the Department.  The dept. has received application for admission several times greater than the actual seats. 
This course is quite popular among the students who are interested in research on various aspects of Gandhian Though, Freedom Movement, Conflict Resolution, Peace and International Studies.  According to Prof. Jai Narain Sharma, Chairman, seven students of the dept. appeared in U.P.S.C. Main Civil Services Examination last year.  Three qualified for the Interview among which one student Mr. Harkirpal Khatana is selected in I.A.S.  A large number of students are appearing in Himachal Administration Services and Haryana Civil Services Examinations, being conducted in this very month.  Science, Commerce and Arts graduates or master degree holder in any stream are eligible for admission to this course.  
Seeing the response of the aspirants for the admission to M.A. I Gandhian Studies, seats have been increased by the University from 20 to 25 and now to 29.   The admission is made on the basis of Merit plus Aptitude Test.  While calculating the merit 10% weightage given to Matric, 10% to 10+2 and 25% for Graduation.  The Aptitude Test for the admission for the session 2009-10 will be conducted on 15.07.2009 at 10.00 a.m. and followed by the Interview from 12.00 noon onwards.  Both the test and interview compulsory.   
By :  News Team

Prof. J.K. Sharma got scholarship from Germany

CHANDIGARH-July 02, 2009: Prof. J.K. Sharma, Acting Chairman, Department of German awarded a Scholarship to attend 14th International Seminar in Jena-Weimar, Germany to be held in August 2009 from 03.08.2009 to 08.08.2009 by Goethe-Institute. 
Participants from more than 100 countries will exchange their views related to teaching of German Language and teaching material available.  This seminar will held him in improving teaching skills of this language and also acquire latest methods in the improvement of teaching the Foreign language.  
By :  News Team

Monday, June 29, 2009

Global swine flu cases leap past 70,000: WHO

The number of recorded swine flu cases has reached 70,893 worldwide, with 311 deaths, since the virus was first discovered in late March, data released by the World Health Organisation on Monday showed.

The data indicated 11,079 new influenza A(H1N1) infections, including 48 deaths, since the last bulletin on Friday.The largest increase in caseload was reported by the United States, which added 6,268 cases including 40 deaths, bringing the total number of infections to 27,717 including 127 deaths.

Canada posted a jump of 1,043 new cases, with its total infections now reaching 7,775 including 21 deaths.Australia showed an increase of 758 new cases including four deaths, bringing its total to 4,038 infections and seven deaths.

US health authorities said Friday that at least one million people in the United States have had swine flu, or around 50 times more than the number of cases officially reported.

The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) arrived at its figure based on computer models and surveys of communities known to have been hard hit by the new flu strain.
Some affected countries no longer keep track of all cases according to the UN health agency, while others do not report for each of the thrice-weekly bulletins.

By :  News Team

UAV developed by DCE wins prize in US

A high-tech Unmanned Aerial Vehicle developed by a team of ten undergraduates from Delhi College of Engineering in New Delhi has won the prestigious Unmanned Aircraft System International Competition held recently in the US.

The DCE team surpassed 26 teams from top ranking American Institutes like MIT, Cornell University to notch the widely-acclaimed Directors Award organized by Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) in association with US Navy.

"The team was awarded a cash prize of USD 1,500 for successfully flying at the competition as well as for the best team efforts," R K Sinha, Dean Industrial Research and Innovations in DCE told a news agency.

Talking about the special features of the gadget, Sinha said, UAV, a fixed-wing aircraft powered by a 2-stroke engine, is capable of lifting weights up to 7 kgs, equipped with wireless cameras, sensors, GPS and onboard computers capable of long range wireless communications of more than 10 km.

"The entire autopilot and navigation system of the UAV was designed and developed by the team headed by Rochak Chadha, a second year student of Electronics and Communication Engineering supervised by the seniors in the college," Sinha added.

The competition was held at a US Navy base in Maryland from June 17 to June 22. In 2006, a DCE team had won the similar award under best innovation category.

By :  News Team

Mayawati's statues come under SC radar; explanation sought

29 June : Uttar Pradesh govt's controversial project of installing statues of CM Mayawati came under the scrutiny of the Supreme Court which sought an explanation from it for allegedly spending crores of rupees from the state exchequer.

The apex court issued show cause notice to the state government on Monday and Chief Minister after noting several allegations in a public interest litiattion (PIL) including that 90 per cent of the budget of the Uttar Pradesh Cultural department was used for installation of the statues of Mayawati, Bahujan Samaj Party founder Kanshi Ram and party symbol elephant.

"Notice to show-cause why the petition should not be admitted," a vacation bench comprising Justices Dalveer Bhandari and A K Ganguly said and sought reply within four weeks from the Uttar Pradesh Government, Mayawati, BSP and Election Commission which are named as respondents in the PIL filed by Supreme Court advocate Ravi Kant.

Kant alleged that the total money used by Mayawati from the state budget for 2008-09 and 2009-10 for such projects was to the tune of Rs.2,000 crore to "falsely glorify" the Chief Minister.

No sooner the order was issued, Mayawati's close aide and senior advocate Satish Chandra Mishra voiced his protest but the Bench said whatever he has to say he can to do it by way of reply to the notice.

Mishra, who resisted the issuance of notice, alleged that "it is a politically interest litigation filed at the behest of others (political rivals)" noting that even before the petition came up for hearing, the petitioners had gone before the media.He said notice at this stage would open a larger issue relating to the use of public land and made a selective reference to Teen Murti Bhavan in the capital saying the land itself cost over Rs 500 crore.However, the Bench was unmoved and said "whatever you have to say you can say it in the reply".

It reminded Mishra that it has only noted the allegations in the PIL which said "hundreds of crores of rupees" meant for developmental work were being used by the UP Government for personal glorification of leaders and installing their statues.

Before Mishra, senior advocate U U Lalit, appearing for the state goverment, contended that it was not the case for issuance of notice as the apex court in the past had passed orders in favour of the state government on the same issue which the petitioners are not aware.

Lalit was responding to the Bench which wanted to know from him whether he would like to file a reply to the PIL.He said the issue has been going on for the past two years and "every single expenditure has been approved by the House (State Assembly).

Lalit and Mishra said that unveiling of 15 statues by Mayawati on 25th June has nothing to do with the PIL and it would be wrong to draw an inference that it was done in a bid to pre-empt the apex court from putting on hold all such projects.

The Bench took note of the contention of the petitioners that the activity of installing statues of Chief Minister and party symbol carried out as state policy was arbitrary and violative of Article 14 of the Constitution.

Ravi Kant told the bench that the information gathered through RTI disclosed that 60 statues of elephant were installed at a cost of Rs 52.20 crore at public places by utilising state funds.

The petition said that such expenditure on installation of statues of leaders violates the various circulars of the Election Commission.

It referred to the April one circular which clearly stated that images of the political functionaries, who have deep influence on the minds of electors and many of whom are still active in public life should not be displayed in the government buildings and premises as that would have the effect of disturbing the level playing field.

The PIL said spending crores of rupees to "falsely glorify" leaders in a state like UP which is part of the so called BIMARU States and having Human Development Index among the lowest in the country is a complete misuse of Public Money.

The PIL has sought a direction to restrain Mayawati from installing her statues and party symbol at public places at the cost of public fund and demanded a CBI probe into the misuse of state exchequer.

The petitioner, who has made Mayawati along with her party and Chief Secretary of the state as respondents, said the state government should be directed to remove the statues of Chief Minister and her party symbol 'elephant' from public land.

"Every action taken by the government must be in public interest. The government cannot act arbitrarily and without reason and if it does, its action would be liable to be invalidated," the petitioner said.

Giving details of the ongoing projects of installing the statutes in the state, the petitioner contended that "the expenditure of several crores of public money to fulfil the whims and fancies of an individual is against the principles of natural justice and fails the test of reasonableness."

By :  News Team