Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Now an indoor GPS system!

Finding your way around shopping plazas or airports may soon get easier, thanks to scientists who have developed an indoor positioning system for cellphones similar to GPS.

Global Positioning System doesn't work in buildings as the satellite signals it uses cannot get through walls.

But in this system a cellphone can use nearby Wi-Fi transmitters instead of satellites. It triangulates their signals to calculate its position which it then displays on a map, a science magazine reported.

The system is being currently tested in

In fact, it is not the first indoor system but the others have mostly been for specialist uses such as helping firefighters find colleagues in smoke-filled buildings. This system is developed by Nokia; system will work with existing handsets and infrastructure, according to the scientists.

However, one thing it does need is access to maps of the inside of buildings. This may not be feasible for private homes but many public sites such as big sports centres and universities already make maps available.

And if the ongoing test at Kamppi shopping centre in Finnish capital
Helsinki is a success then the system could be rolled out much more widely, said project leader Christian Prehofer.

By :  News Team

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