Tuesday, June 16, 2009

UT steps up surveillance to prevent H1N1

Chandigarh, June 16--In the wake of detection of H1N1 influenza cases in the adjoining state of Punjab among the students who recently visited the USA, the Health Department, UT, has geared up surveillance to counter any possible threat. Senior medical officers and medical officers of hospitals and dispensaries have been alerted to gear up surveillance activities, especially on those who have recently come back from the affected countries. Fever screening of students is being done on a priority basis.         In a communication, the Chandigarh Health Department has requested the DPI (Schools) to provide the list of schools and students who were sent abroad on educational tour or on an educational exchange programme. "There is no need to panic as sufficient anti-viral drugs are available with the Health Deptt and the isolation wards, located in PGIMER-12, GMCH-32 and GMSH-16, are fully equipped with PPE, masks and other equipment to treat the patients", said Dr Manjit Singh Bains, Director Health and Family Welfare,

For detailed information one can contact 102, 0172-2782457, (influenza cell) and 0172-2740408. Instructions have been issued to the para-medical staff working in the field to keep a close watch on the symptoms of flu-like illness and bring such cases to the notice of the nearby dispensary. The situation is being reviewed and monitored constantly and regularly and steps being taken accordingly. 

        The IEC materials in the form of posters were being supplied at all dispensaries and hospitals for creating awareness about the symptoms of H1N1 influenza among the general public, Dr Bains added.

        At the anti-malaria camps being organized in labour colonies, stress has been laid on searching cases of influenza-like illness. For this purpose, special teams have been trained to find out such cases. The general public is also advised to inform each and every case having symptoms of H1N1 or influenza to the notice of the health authorities at the nearby health facility so that timely and appropriate action is taken accordingly.

By :  News Team

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